#we couldn't open the back of it though so I went to some clock service place and the clerk thought it was 'completely broken'
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Character Profiles: Cloudia’s paternal extended family (and Florentin)
Index: Aurèle, Jacques, Arnaud, Anaïs, Gérard, the Marquis, Anselme, Sylviane, Amélie, Firmin, Florentin, Horace, Quincy, Abigail (Percival's siblings)
(All character ages are as of the latest chapter, or when they died. All information as of the latest chapter too.)
Navigation: Main and extras | Cloudia's grandparents and maternal extended family | Cloudia's paternal extended family (and Florentin) | Other servants and employees | Antagonists | Scotland Yard and misc.
Name: Aurèle Beauchene
Nickname(s): None
Birthday: May 20, 1829
Age: 19
Physical description: dark brown hair, brown eyes; he resembles his grandfather the most out of all grandchildren
Affiliation: Beauchene family; Dupont family
Occupation: None
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Favourite Colour: grey, blue
Favourite Flower: lavender
Favourite Dessert: chocolate cake, pain d’épices
What is in his bag? knife, handkerchief, bandage, sharpening stone, another softer handkerchief for glasses, another knife, comb, more knives
Random fact(s):
His favourite dish is quiche Lorraine.
Because his uncle took rather long to get married and have children, Aurèle was regarded as his eventual successor and educated as such. This was only phased out when Gérard was born. (All Beauchene/Dupont children receive excellent, special education nonetheless.) If Aurèle had remained his uncle’s heir, he would have taken the Dupont surname upon succeeding him.
Aurèle was relieved when Gérard was born because he always thought he was unfit to become the Marquis one day. (He also worries about his little cousin in that regard.)
Background info: He was originally named Gervais before I accidentally named the original Clockmaker character that too. I then changed his name to Aurèle, but Gervais the Clockmaker ended up getting replaced by Florentin.
First appearance: The Countess, Travelling (Chapter 21)
Name: Jacques Beauchene
Nickname(s): Jacky
Birthday: February 12, 1835
Age: 13
Physical description: brown hair, brown eyes, glasses
Affiliation: Beauchene family; Dupont family
Occupation: None
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Favourite Colour: green
Favourite Flower: very difficult to choose!
Favourite Dessert: cakes with fruits, particularly strawberry cake
What is in his bag? book, notebook, pencil, glasses case, handkerchief, a secondary notebook, a little telescope, compass
Random fact(s):
He used to be a bit afraid of ghosts when he was little. Now, he does not believe in anything paranormal or supernatural.
He wants to be a researcher and author for wildlife and nature. Although his parents assured him it was fine to pursue this goal, Jacques still feels odd not to help with/take part in the “family business” at all in the future.
He’s a bit embarrassed that he still occasionally requires a night light.
Background info: None.
First appearance: The Countess, Mystery (Chapter 22)
Name: Arnaud Beauchene
Nickname(s): None
Birthday: October 15, 1839
Age: 8
Physical description: black hair, green-blue eyes
Affiliation: Beauchene family; Dupont family
Occupation: None
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Favourite Colour: red, blue
Favourite Flower: marguerite, purple hyacinth
Favourite Dessert: soufflé
What is in his bag? marbles, card game, notebook, pencil, small toy train, hair ribbons, handkerchief, tissues, small whetstone
Random fact(s):
Because he has always been so quiet and unintentionally blends in with the wallpaper, Jacques used to believe in ghosts for a while.
Arnaud hears and sees quite a lot but prefers to keep his discoveries and observations to himself.
He’s set to become Gérard’s right-hand man when he becomes the Marquis.
Background info: None.
First appearance: The Countess, Mystery (Chapter 22)
Name: Anaïs Dupont
Nickname(s): None
Birthday: September 21, 1840
Age: 7
Physical description: red-brown hair, blue eyes
Affiliation: Dupont family
Occupation: None
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Favourite Colour: red, purple
Favourite Flower: iris, anemone
Favourite Dessert: everything with pomegranate
What is in her bag? handkerchief, small faerie doll; she has the habit of not carrying around a lot (i.a. because she sometimes loses things)
Random fact(s):
She liked faeries before her near-fatal fever.
While she likes faerie stories the best, she is very enthusiastic about myths and legends in general. She is particularly interested in Celtic (because of the faeries) and Greek mythology; her favourite Greek myth is that of Orpheus and Eurydice.
Background info: She was originally named Amable and is now named after Anaïs from The Amazing World of Gumball. (She gets a bit of her personality from her too!)
First appearance: The Countess, Mystery (Chapter 22)
Name: Gérard Dupont
Nickname(s): None
Birthday: March 22, 1845
Age: 3
Physical description: light brown hair, blue eyes
Affiliation: Dupont family
Occupation: None
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Favourite Colour: blue, yellow
Favourite Flower: the colourful ones
Favourite Dessert: chocolate cake
What is in his bag? too small to carry a bag, but keeps a stuffed toy close by and his pockets are filled with all sorts of things
Random fact(s): By 1889, no one calls him by his given name anymore as he has become the new Marquis.
Background info:
He was originally meant to be five, not three years old.
Gérard was originally set to become the Aristocrat of Evil with the scarred eye before I changed my mind.
First appearance: The Countess, Mystery (Chapter 22)
Name: ??? Dupont
Nickname(s): The Marquis
Birthday: 1762
Age: 86
Physical description: grey, formerly brown hair, green eyes
Affiliation: Dupont family
Occupation: The Marquis
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Random fact(s):
He had a very happy and loving marriage with his wife Séphora. (She had red hair which her son and granddaughter inherited.) She passed away in 1840.
He tried his hand at clockmaking too which frustrated Florentin because the Marquis was not good at it, and Florentin feared for his workshop and utensils. (The Marquis wasn’t being serious and only wanted to annoy Florentin; he was actually bad at watchmaking though.)
He grew up without any cousins. Because of this and the fact that he is a decade older than his sister and only lived with her for about ten years, the Marquis was a bit lonely in his childhood and youth. He’s rather happy that his grandchildren are so close-knit and get along well (most of the time).
Background info:
The Dupont family’s title was meant to be longer “The Marquis of [��],” but I decided to scrap it because it was a very dumb reference to something. There was also meant to be a title for the heir which was cut as well.
I decided on his given name early on. It’s a funny one.
First appearance: The Countess, Mystery (Chapter 22)
Name: Anselme Dupont
Nickname(s): None
Birthday: 1800
Age: 48
Physical description: red-brown hair, green-blue eyes
Affiliation: Dupont family
Occupation: None
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Random fact(s): He was quite the lady-killer for a long time and already marked off as an “eternal bachelor” until he met his wife ten years ago.
Background info: He was originally named André. I changed his name because that was the name of one of my driving instructors, and I did not like driving lessons. (I did not end up getting my license.)
First appearance: The Countess, Malady - Part 4 (Chapter 23)
Name: Sylviane Dupont (née Lavoie)
Nickname(s): Sylvi
Birthday: 1805
Age: 43
Physical description: blonde hair, blue eyes
Affiliation: Dupont family
Occupation: None
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Random fact(s): She was tragically widowed twice before she met Anselme. (One fiancé also died before they got married.) Men began avoiding her after her second husband’s accidental death, believing she was a black widow. (In reality, she really was just that unlucky.) Sylviane had made peace with never marrying again or having children until she encountered Anselme.
Background info: She was originally named Renée. I changed her name because I didn’t like it and because I wanted to have as few names with accents as possible.
First appearance: The Countess, Malady - Part 4 (Chapter 23)
Name: Amélie Beauchene (née Dupont)
Nickname(s): None
Birthday: 1802
Age: 46
Physical description: brown hair, green-blue eyes
Affiliation: Beauchene family; Dupont family
Occupation: Baronne
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Random fact(s): She’s secretly a little nature nerd as well for which her brother used to tease her (and still does sometimes to this day). It was very refreshing to her when she met Firmin, and he treated her the same as everyone else.
Background info: Her name was always “Amelie,” but it was initially spelled differently and weirdly as a silly nod to her father’s given name. Because I didn’t know how the odd spelling would affect the name’s pronunciation, I settled on the more normal “Amélie.”
First appearance: The Countess, Malady - Part 4 (Chapter 23)
Name: Firmin Beauchene
Nickname(s): None
Birthday: 1798
Age: 50
Physical description: black hair, light brown eyes, glasses
Affiliation: Beauchene family; Dupont family
Occupation: Baron
Base of Operations: Château de Dupont; Château de Charbonneau (temporarily)
Random fact(s): When Amélie expressed her wish to marry him, her entire family was unsupportive because they thought they were an odd match and that Firmin would not fit into the family. The Marquis was the only one who approved him; the others eventually warmed up to him.
Background info: Like with the Marquis, he had a “full” title early on until I decided to leave it out. It was “Baron de Lorraine-Lillebonne,” and I got it from a random title generator.
First appearance: The Countess, Malady - Part 4 (Chapter 23)
Name: Florentin Chastain
Nickname(s): The Clockmaker
Birthday: September 9, around 1400
Age: 400+ (about 30 physically)
Physical description: short brown hair, phosphorescent chartreuse eyes, tall and lean; occasionally wears tinted glasses but dislikes them
Affiliation: Grim Reaper Dispatch (former); the Marquis (sort of begrudgingly)
Occupation: Grim Reaper (deserted); Clockmaker
Base of Operations: Grim Reaper Dispatch (former); his workshop in the woods
Favourite Colour: everything except green
Favourite Flower: doesn’t care
Favourite Dessert: angel wings, beignet
What is in his bag? various tools, some loose gears, a glasses case, a small pocket knife, very old Ohropax (he wished he had taken more)
Random fact(s):
He deserted at some point during the witch trials (they were poorly documented in France; very few executions were officially confirmed, but many, many more are presumed). It was a bleak time all over Europe (that the witch trials overlapped with constant recurrences of the plague did not help), and it made him realise the endlessness and pointlessness of his job.
Florentin became a clockmaker not long after deserting. He also became a matchmaker when he (by chance) introduced the Marquis to his wife.
He went on many adventures with the Marquis and although he would never admit it, he enjoyed some of them at least.
Background info:
The bare bones of his character come from a scrapped one-shot about Cloudia and Undertaker, with Undertaker being a very odd “clockmaker” living in the woods, and Cloudia the person who delivers his “goods.” Because I had difficulties writing it, it was eventually replaced by my one-shot “Warming” (which I wrote for a Christmas event). As I still liked the idea, I added a clockmaker Grim Reaper to WotQ (though the situation and details differ from the original one-shot idea).
The original WotQ Clockmaker character Gervais was very, very different to Florentin. I decided to replace him with Florentin because while Gervais did have ties to Grim Reapers, the story ultimately required a different kind of character – a deserted Grim Reaper. (I still like Gervais though.)
First appearance: The Countess, Clockmaker - Part 2 (Chapter 24)
Name: Horace Phantomhive
Nickname(s): Hoho (only his sister called him that)
Birthday: 1761
Age: 24 (at time of death; 1785)
Physical description: black hair, green-blue eyes
Affiliation: Phantomhive family; Weston College (former)
Occupation: Lord of Phantomhive; Prefect of Sapphire Owl (former)
Base of Operations: Phantomhive Manor; Phantomhive townhouse
Random fact(s):
The eldest of Octavius and Florence Phantomhive’s four children. He was “the perfect heir and son” in every way. Unfortunately, he and his twin died in a carriage “accident,” and he never succeeded his father as Earl and Watchdog.
Horace and his twin were rather aloof, keeping away from their younger siblings, so he was, despite his other qualities not a “perfect brother.” When Percival became family head, he found some interesting things his brothers had hidden away in the manor.
His middle name was “Greyson” which, just like Percival’s middle name, was never used by his parents. Horace occasionally used it as a fake surname.
Background info: I’m very for “all Phantomhives’ names contain a ‘c’” but then went and completely failed with Percival’s siblings because his original name was Horatio. However, I just noticed that I’ve never stated his name in WotQ so far although he was briefly mentioned, so I’m very quickly and sneakily fixing his name.
First appearance: Mentioned only (First: The Lady, First Training; Chapter 10)
Name: Quincy Phantomhive
Nickname(s): Q, Queeny (only his sister called him that)
Birthday: 1761
Age: 24 (at time of death; 1785)
Physical description: black hair, green-blue eyes
Affiliation: Phantomhive family; Weston College (former)
Occupation: None
Base of Operations: Phantomhive Manor; Phantomhive townhouse
Random fact(s):
As he was younger than Horace by a few minutes, he was the spare. He never minded it much though because he liked being “in the shadows.” He and his twin were very close and secretive.
His middle name was “Farran” which, again, was never used by his parents. He and his siblings were united in their confusion at least.
While Horace could be a bit stuck-up, Quincy was only a bit more relaxed. He was not much of a jokester but could at least crack some jokes every once in a while.
Background info:
His original name was Joseph which I just changed to adhere to my own little naming rules. I decided to rename him “Quincy” so that he and his brother could be theme-named after the poet Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus).
He was originally four years younger than Horace before I decided to make them twins.
First appearance: Mentioned only (First: The Lady, First Training; Chapter 10)
Name: Abigail Stafford (née Phantomhive)
Nickname(s): Abby
Birthday: 1770
Age: 29 (at time of death; 1799)
Physical description: light brown (on the verge of dark blonde) hair, grey eyes
Affiliation: Stafford family; Phantomhive family
Occupation: Baroness; Lady of Phantomhive (former)
Base of Operations: Stafford Manor; Stafford townhouse; Phantomhive Manor (former); Phantomhive townhouse (former)
Random fact(s):
She always appreciated the fact that she looked very different from her black-haired (blue)-green-eyed brothers and that her grey eyes were “all hers.”
The jokester of her sibling group, much to the annoyance of her brothers (especially Percival to whom she was the closest).
Abigail married in her early twenties but did not immediately want children. In the end, she never had any because she died in a terrible incident related to Watchdog work. (It shook up Genevieve and Percival a lot, and they didn’t speak (much) of Abigail afterwards.)
Like her brothers, she had an “unused” middle name: Delora.
Background info:
Unfortunately for me, I did mention her before by name, so I cannot sneakily change it to something that contains a “c.” At any rate, I did like the fact a bit that I messed up the (original) names of Percival’s siblings because they all died before him. Only the one sibling whose name always had a “c” in it became the successor and reached his thirties (and even his fifties!). A little accidental “curse” on my side.
Her husband’s given name is “Abraham” in my notes. I do have some name overlaps (Theodore Clifford and Theodore Sycamore, for example), so I’m a little undecided whether to change his name or not. But then, it does not really matter because he has no bearing on anything whatsoever.
First appearance: Mentioned only (First: The Lady, First Training; Chapter 10)
#character profiles#character sheets#so much completely new info here! even the profiles of three VERY briefly mentioned characters#(I made a LOT of notes in the first few years and it's been fun digging them up again for this post series)#(nearly forgot Percival's siblings btw... who would have noticed though except me?)#(I thought 'Cloudia's paternal family but it's all her grandmother's not her grandfather's... OH WAIT' and quickly added them^^')#also: the other day my father was watching football and the commentator's name was Claudia Neumann!#now you know that Cloudia will marry Newman XD#and I've been having troubles with my wristwatch lately#it suddenly stopped working a few weeks ago and even after I FINALLY found batteries it wouldn't work so my mother gave me another one#we couldn't open the back of it though so I went to some clock service place and the clerk thought it was 'completely broken'#because 'you cannot even move the clockhands!' - she didn't even pull out the crown...#florentin was banging his head against a wall#anyway
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For those of you who haven’t read my fanfic or don’t have ao3, Here’s chapter one to see if it might be something worth getting into! I’m currently on chapter two, as of right now I’m planning to make it at least 4 chapters.
Lawrence x AFAB Reader Chapter 1
As your mind drifted from thoughts about Lawrence you peaked at the clock again. Only thirty minutes until close now. You were just about to call it a night and close up early whenever the man who'd been in your thoughts shuffled in. He looked more nervous than normal, head down as he approached the counter you always sat at. You smiled genuinely, not the forced customer service smile you were forced to wear with most of your clientele. Seeing him really made you light up, no matter if you were just about to shut down the shop for the night. You had come to realize not very long ago you too enjoyed his company a lot. You couldn't quite place it, but he was different than anyone else you had ever met. Sure, most people found him creepy. Not you though. You thought he was just a little awkward and needed a chance, a push and he would slowly start to come out of his shell.
"Hey Law! Haven't seen you in a while. How've you been?" You asked maybe a little over eagerly. but he didn't seem to mind.
His head turned upwards to face you, yet those crystalline blue eyes still refused to meet yours. With his face that much more visible you could make out he was flustered and sweaty. His skin more pale than usual. You weren't sure if he was that nervous or if he was sick. That could explain his absence... You frowned at the thought.
"Oh my God! Are you okay? You're not running a fever, are you?" You asked and reached your hand out to rest upon his forehead and check the temperature. You didn't even think about it. The second your skin met his it exploded into a sensation that felt like fireworks where you had connected, just like every time your hands brushed together whenever he would pay only this was so much more intense. He jumped back, startled at the sudden touch. His eyes were wide with surprise and a glimpse of fear that quickly subsided. You felt a little guilty over that and realized how unprofessional it was afterwards. Just as you were about to apologize and ask for his forgiveness, he opened his own mouth to speak. You pursed your lips together and allowed him to continue. He was so softspoken and shy you wanted him to be able to get out whatever he needed to get out.
"...I'm fine...There is a reason I came here today."
You kept silent, urging him to continue. He looked uncomfortable and uncertain. He fidgeted with the sleeves of his shirt, something you've noticed he anxiously did whenever he had something he wanted to get out. It took him a few times of opening and closing his mouth before he finally found the right words.
"I've been wondering...If you would like to hangout." He rubbed at the top of his arm nervously and looked to the side. You could tell just from the look on his face how afraid he was that you would say no. How could you ever do that though? You had been waiting for just this moment! That's why as soon as he asked you couldn't help but to jump at the offer.
"I get off in a few minutes! You work overnight's, right? I can't stay too long but we could hang out then!"
And there you went startling him again. Only this time he didn't jump back, instead he looked like he was thinking things over.
"O-or another time! I just thought maybe..." You trailed off, not sure the right words to say so that you wouldn't look too desperate.
His face softened and he smiled gently. The way he smiled at you...You were sure he had to reciprocate these feelings you had.
"...Tonight's fine. Can I text you my address...?" He asked softly.
Normally you would never hang out with some strange man in the middle of the night at his residence, and yet with him you were more than ready for it. He was awkward but not a lunatic, right? All you had seen from him was gentleness and anxiety, so you were sure that there was no reason to worry. You produced your phone from your pocket and willingly handed it over to him. He took your number and added his own to your contacts happily. After that he handed you back your cellular device and texted you his address. You both awkwardly smiled, clearly excited to finally meet up outside of the shop and sat there in silence for what seemed like too long before h finally broke the moment.
"I'll see you soon." he said simply before walking away and exiting the building.
As soon as he was far enough away that you were sure he wouldn't be able to hear you, you squealed happily and kicked your feet like a schoolgirl in the chair you sat in. This had to be a date, and if somehow it wasn't you would turn it into one! With only fifteen minutes until the shop closed you started to do your closing tasks ahead of time, flipping the sign over, counting drawers and the like. Time seemed to drag on with only one thing on your mind.
It wasn’t until you finished that you realized just how quickly you had speed ran through your tasks. Hopefully he would see the effort you put into it. As you locked up for the night you made your way to your car and before you started it you had another thought. The makeup you’d worn all day was a little smeared and just not what you would like for a date, let alone a first date. So you decided to touch it up with some makeup you kept in the car for emergencies. You wanted everything about tonight to go perfectly, so you had to look perfect too. Admittedly you spent longer on this than you had on closing the shop tonight, but one night of rushed work wouldn’t be the end of the world. Once you had finished that up you finally began the short drive towards the address Lawrence had sent you.
Once you arrived you fixed your hair and clothes before quickly making your way into the apartment building, easily finding the number he was assigned. Before you could even knock the door swung open like he’d been watching and waiting for you. You thought for a moment about just how sweet that was before he stepped to the side and allowed you to enter. He looked very nervous, and you too were feeling some butterflies. Looking around the studio apartment you could see his love of all things floral. You couldn’t even say it was decorated with plants, it was almost overran. This was more than a hobby to him, his gardening was a work of passion. How many men did you know who gardened? Let alone had the patience and were so in tune with their nurturing side to care for this many plants?
“Nice place!” You commented as you followed him to the dining room. It didn’t seem he had much room to sit anywhere else, and sitting on his twin sized bed would probably be a little too awkward for now…This seemed to be the best option. Like a gentleman he cautiously pulled out your seat for you. You took it without hesitation, but noticed him hovering for a few moments.
“I’m going to make some tea. Would you like some?” He asked finally.
You nodded your head in agreement, not wanting to deny him the opportunity to be a good host.
“Yeah! Make me whatever you think I’d like!”
He seemed pleased by your answer, offering a smile before going to prepare it. As he did you watched him for a little, then your attention was drawn back to his place. You looked around identifying what plants you could and noticed that other than his plants his home was fairly minimalistic, with no other decorations really. On the old wooden floor you noticed some chips and scratches, nothing really to see there. It was an older building and apartment complexes were notoriously bad for not fixing up things. Close to it was a dark reddish brown spot. You could only guess that someone had spilled some wood stain or paint before deciding not to go through with that color.
“Typical landlords, right?” You scoffed a little trying to joke with Lawrence as he finished up pouring the tea. He seemed confused, and then again nervous whenever you had motioned to the spot. Did he think that you were judging him? You shifted uncomfortably in your seat unsure if you should explain that wasn’t the case.
“Y-yeah… Anyways. It’s ready.”
He sat your cup in front of you, steam rolling off of it as you allowed some time for it to cool down. He was already nursing his cup. Oddly enough his eyes were stuck on you. He never looked at you so directly before. It was both a little uneasy and flattering. He must have really wanted to see if you would like the tea. So rather than allowing more time for it to cool you tentatively brought it to your lips and blew on it a few times. He seemed to be on the edge of his seat as you took your first sip. It was strange, aromatic and a little bit bitter. It wasn’t exactly something you would have picked out for yourself but it wasn’t bad. You smiled and took a longer drink before setting it down on table.
“It’s good!” You assured him. He seemed relieved, relaxing into his seat as his hand caressed his own warm cup. He smiled some too, looking over your features like he was studying them.
“I’m glad you like it…” he trailed off for a moment before continuing. “Thank you… For coming here tonight. I’ve wanted to do this for a long time now.” His confession made his cheeks redden and you could feel your own start to warm up. You were feeling very flushed, more so than you normally would be on a date.
“It’s no problem! I’ve wanted to myself for a while.” The two of you looked at each other with understanding and adoration. The sweet moment was cut short by a pang that felt like a shot gun blasting off in your head. Your vision started to blur and swirl around you. You gripped the table and nearly doubled over.
“Lawrence…! Help!” Was all you could muster up. You hoped he would understand and call someone to come to your aid. It was so sudden and distressful you were sure that it had to be some sort of medical happening. That is at least until you looked up at him. He was walking towards you, but he wasn’t panicked or worried like you’d expected to see. No, instead he was grinning menacingly. It took more time than it should have for you to put together he was the cause but whenever you did you were horrified. Your body collapsed out of the chair it had been sitting on moments before and as he knelt down to you he started to slowly stroke your hair with the back of his hand. Chest racing you met his eyes with fear and sorrow played across your features.
“No…Why?” You whispered through slurred speech at his betrayal.
You don’t know what you were expecting, but you weren’t expecting the next words that came from his lips.
“So we can be together forever {Your Name}!”
And then the world faded to black.
#btd lawrence#btd#btd2#lawrence oleander#boyfriend to death 2#btd fanfic#lawrence oleander x reader#reader x character#fem reader#afab reader
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Spend the Night: Ch. 22
~Coauthored by @zeitghest~
Fandom(s): Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach
Description: The familiar melody of Grandfather’s Clock chimes through the echoing halls of the Pizzaplex…
Charlie wakes up in her Puppet’s vessel yet again with one goal in mind: to stop William Afton’s reign of terror for good. She enlists the help of Glamrock Freddy, the emphatic leader of the newest iteration of the Fazbear Band. But there seems to be more to this bear than meets the eye—and the same goes for the mysteriously familiar kid the duo find tinkering with animatronics down in Parts & Service.
With some help from friends new and old, Charlie’s journey into the bowels of the Pizzaplex will unravel mysteries none of them ever expected.
Rating: T
Read on Ao3
Aren't we having lots of fun Whoa oh oh Live the nightmare again Aren't we having lots of fun Whoa oh oh We will sleep when we're dead Aren't we having lots of fun
~Lots of Fun by Tryhardninja~
The bear kept a steadfast watch while the others slept, and they got a solid few hours of rest before the commotion outside began. Originally, it seemed like the dayshift staff was slow to arrive—in reality, they were simply looking elsewhere in the Pizzaplex as it was immediately clear that Chica and Roxy weren't in their rooms. Freddy peered out the window just in time to see Sophie's familiar face marching towards his door.
“Everyone, wake up!” Freddy exclaimed in a whisper, rushing over to lightly nudge the group awake. “Dayshift staff is coming to check on me—hide in the back until they are gone!”
The day guard didn’t seem as easygoing as she was yesterday. This was bad. Really bad. Half their robots were missing. Someone had swiped the refurbished Foxy animatronic before they had a chance to announce his grand revival—a fact few staff even knew about. Roxy Raceway was smoldering when Sophie arrived at the Pizzaplex.
Mr. Emily couldn't come into work and see this. Despite his kind heart, Sophie had a feeling the high-strung man wouldn't hesitate to fire all of them for such a fiasco.
“Freddy!” She knocked, unaware of the issue that the team was having waking up Gregory.
The kid was out cold. It hadn't taken Charlie or Michael much time to get up, but because of how sleepy Gregory had been, he was waving them off and rolling over to ignore their pleas to wake. The kid mumbled something about feeling too sick for school before Charlie went to pull the blankets off of him—
Then, the door unlocked with a master key and security guard Sophie let herself in past the threshold, only to blink at the oddball group.
Right. That was another thing: the Fazbear Entertainment heirs had stopped by for a check-in.
“Uh... Pardon me. Mr. Afton, Ms. Emily—” she acknowledged, rightfully assuming their identities based on rumors she’d heard about special visitors.
Don't ask the snooty rich people why they were sleeping in Freddy's room, Sophie thought, slowly making her way inside. That’ll just be awkward...
“—Freddy! What the heck happened last night?!” Sophie interrogated, mindful of the sleepy child in the room by directing her anger into a rough whisper-shout.
“Ah, I... do not know, Officer Sophie; I am afraid my memory banks are still on the fritz,” Freddy said, stalling for a moment as he processed that the others were not about to be taken into custody.
It seemed Vanessa had regained consciousness in time to inform dayshift that the Afton and Emily heirs were currently visiting for an extended period. Staff were instructed to be as cordial as possible and listen to any request they had, lest they feel the wrath of the CEO bearing down upon them with swift consequences.
Michael had frozen along with Charlie as the door was wrenched open, staring wide-eyed at the intruding woman. He recognized her from yesterday, though she sounded in a much fouler mood than before—rightly so, he had to concede, for the stress of losing three of the main animatronics in a giant Megamall would certainly make anyone a little snippy. Upon realizing their ruse from last night still held up, Michael allowed the tension in his shoulders to relax, shifting his face into the more serious imitation of his father. He acknowledged Sophie with a light nod, then went back to trying to gently wake up Gregory, though not nearly in as much of a panic.
Gregory gently batted Mike's hand as it nudged him. He was determined to sleep, and hugged his Freddy plushie accordingly.
“Freddy... Are you lying to me? I know you’d been escorting our uh... friends around.” Sophie said, with lack of a better way to describe the surprise guests. The two other people in the room were dressed like they’d grabbed stuff off the racks in a dark room, all things she recognized as merch from their stores. Though referring mentioning such a thing with or without provocation would certainly end in Sophie’s termination.
Charlie finally managed to get Gregory to wake up by sliding his plushie from under his arms and earning a frustrated simmer of words.
“Why is everyone being annoying?!” Gregory moaned, stopping Sophie in her accusations while she watched the tiny, presumed Afton complain.
“Shush, Gregory,” Michael said tartly, though he made sure to run a hand over the boy's hair to show his tone was just for show. “We've got a visitor.”
“I am not programmed to lie,” Freddy responded to Sophie, his face a mask of innocent confusion. “As you said, I have been escorting the Afton and Emily heirs around all night... I did not notice anything amiss.”
The bear glanced towards the trio questioningly, head tilted in detached deference. He was a machine with selective memory loss at this moment, and that's all that he was.
“I didn't, either,” Michael said with a shake of his head. His eyes narrowed at the guard, his tone ice-cold. “Why? Is there a problem...?”
Oh fuck, Sophie was in trouble now. When she looked to Michael her face burned, a flustered red stripe glowed over her nose and onto the apples of her cheeks. Obviously he would rat her out to his father—wherever the hell he’d been all this time—about the current and ongoing issue.
Though if Mr. Afton was here, along with Mr. Emily's daughter, then surely they were here as employees? Despite the man's cold, blue stare, perhaps he was here to help...
“...Yes. Every day I've been coming in to do my security rounds, animatronics have gone missing. They've all been experiencing a personality glitch, too. We can't even find where the robots are going on the security feeds, because they stopped recording weeks ago,” Sophie admitted. After all, she wasn't the one supposed to be watching them at night!
Sophie managed to stand tall, hoping not to appear meek or inexperienced. She watched as Gregory quickly assumed a position behind Michael, gazing at her with judging, suspicious eyes. “It just doesn't make sense, sir.”
Charlie feigned a wide-eyed glance, as if surprised at this discovery. “Did you speak with the night guard?”
“Hardly. She told me the issue, that her wrist had gotten worse, that you three were visiting. Then, poof; she probably clocked out...,” Sophie explained further, acting as if she were talking before administration. Though one of the people who outranked her here was 12 years old.
Michael’s face relaxed slightly as the poor day guard tried her best to explain the issue. He felt bad for stressing her out, but he needed to play the cool, commanding roll of authority. While he took ironic inspiration from his father, it didn’t mean he had to be exactly like William—especially in terms of compassion.
“…I see,” Mike said after a moment, his tone less sharply angry and more just annoyed. He let out a small sigh, crossing his arms in front of his chest as he looked at Sophie, who was clearly trying not to directly meet his intimidating stare.
“Well, this is certainly a major issue… but it seems like blame for lack of surveillance falls under jurisdiction of the night guard, doesn’t it?” He rolled his eyes with a click of his tongue. “Honestly, it’s insane that they only have one person to patrol this entire building after hours…”
“I am sorry I cannot be of more help,” Freddy said, looking as genuinely apologetic as a robot could. “As I have explained to you all separately, my connection to our internal network has been severed since the other night, so I have been unable to contact the other animatronics.”
“You’re not the security guard, Freddy,” Michael pointed out dryly. “It’s not your job to keep tabs on everyone…” He gave another sigh, then looked to Sophie again. “We can at least confirm that Freddy's functioning properly in Safe Mode, as he gave us a tour last night and didn’t show any issues.”
Sophie let out a breath she hadn't realized that she was holding. Michael may have intimidated her at first, though at his reassurance she allowed herself to stop fretting over whether or not she’d be blamed for the current state of the Mega Pizzaplex.
“Best case scenario, they're broken down without power, which is why they aren’t responding to the manual call-back buttons inside their rooms,” Sophie explained, looking to Freddy with an exhausted smile. “At least you're still kicking it, right, superstar? Heh…”
The bear seemed to be in better shape than the state she found him in last night anyway. Sophie’s attention was pulled back to Michael, the most adept liar of the group for answers. “And you guys didn't notice anything out of place last night then, I take it.”
“Not at all,” Mike replied easily, shifting his weight so he leaned against the couch with arms still crossed. “Well, we noticed the other animatronics weren't in their rooms—although they've always tended to wander.”
A faint, strained smile crossed his lips for just a second as his eyes flitted to Freddy. There was a slight, awkward lull in the conversation, before Michael decided to ask: “Do you need Freddy for anything today?”
Hopefully she'd say no and he could remain by their side. Although, even if the techs did want to check him out just to be safe, at least Michael was no longer afraid of being discovered and having police called on them for trespassing.
“I need Freddy to stay in his room,” Sophie replied much to the dismay of Gregory, who desperately required a proper breakfast in his stomach asap. Sophie seemed set on this, hands on her hips as she made it clear: “While dayshift’s out looking for the rest of the band, no other animatronics are to leave their rooms. Obviously we’re on temporary shut-down from customers while we find the Glamrocks. Not to mention how messy all the attractions have gotten...” She sighed, shifting into a more demure stance. “You’ve probably heard all this from the big boss already, though.”
Charlie wanted to protest Freddy’s jail time, though any excuse she had lined up wouldn't have made sense with their current situation. There technically wasn’t a need for Freddy to be outside of his room, since there was no one to entertain today. The Mall would stand empty this weekend—a rarity for the money-making pit. Luckily, Gregory spoke up in their bear friend’s defense.
“But—” he interjected, peeking from behind Michael. “—he's my friend. Mike said he gets to play with me as much as I want!”
“There's other great animatronics, too,” Sophie reminded gently, firm in her conviction on this point. “There's the Sun character from the Daycare, the DJ...”
While it wasn’t an outward no, she’d essentially told Gregory to go kick rocks.
“It is alright, Gregory,” Freddy reassured, smiling brightly. He knew it would be even stranger if the others stayed in his room all day, and he could tell that Gregory was getting hungry. Still, he hated the thought of just being stuck in his room while the other three wandered the Pizzaplex...
Although, he reasoned that they wouldn't be alone, as the entire stock of dayshift staff were around—and Freddy also hadn't forgotten about that animatronic presumably still lurking in the vents. Despite Michael's obvious hatred of the thing, Ennard had saved him and Gregory, so Freddy presumed they'd offer the same protection if circumstances became dire.
Michael had a similar thought process to Charlie—he could probably get them to let Freddy wander around by throwing the Afton name around a little harder, but it would only cause unnecessary questions. It was all well and good for a 12 year old to be attached to the bear, but his two adult caretakers should agree with the other adult in this circumstance... At least for right now.
“Hey, we can still visit Freddy anytime we want—plus, it'll be easier to find him now that we know he's staying in one spot!” Michael pointed out, looking down at Gregory and pleading with his eyes not to fight the issue. His plan was to go along with Sophie's wishes for a little bit, and then swing back and pick up Freddy after they got Gregory some food. If they were questioned about the bear, they could deal with it then.
There it was, rearing its ugly head again: Gregory was beginning to develop separation anxiety. Though clearly it would be easier to go along with their wishes, Gregory could only cross his arms and pout. There was no way to protest this without feeling like he was jeopardizing the mission. So, silently, he glared at Sophie who took this in stride.
Charlie ruffled his hair in response, doting on him while excusing his behavior. “Sorry, Ms...?”
“—Walten,” Sophie filled her in, introducing herself fully to them. “Sophie Walten.”
Charlie smiled kindly at her, holding Gregory's shoulders as she felt the boy seethe with silent anger. “You'll have to excuse him; the kid didn't sleep enough.”
“And he gets grumpy when he's hungry,” Michael added, flashing Gregory a grin much closer to his normal demeanor. Settling his face back into cool detachment, Mike looked back to Sophie. “Do you happen to know if there's any dining location in this place that sells breakfast food? We’re not quite familiar with everything yet.”
Michael hoped it would cheer Gregory up from having to part with Freddy if he could get something other than pizza, since he still seemed a little queasy from inhaling an entire one last night. Besides, who knew when the last time the kid had a proper breakfast was...
As Mike posed his question, Freddy moved closer to Gregory so the boy could stay by his side a little longer. He even patted his back gently, as that wasn't out of the realm of what Freddy might do to comfort a random, upset child. Hoisting Gregory into his arms would probably cause some questions though, so the bear avoided that for now.
Sophie softened more when Michael relented to smiling at the child. Maybe he wasn't the hard-ass she presumed him to be.
“El Chip technically sells lunches. But I get their 'Not breakfast' Burritos when I get here early enough,” Sophie offered as their solution. It was one of her favorites, the pork burrito drawing a fine line between breakfast and lunch but remaining mild enough to eat first thing in the morning.
“That sounds tasty—right?” Charlie asked, nudging Gregory some until she saw a faint smile on his face.
“Can I have two burritos?” Gregory asked, feeling his stomach quietly rumble at the mention of food.
“I suppose that’s fine,” Michael said with another faint smile. He patted Gregory's shoulder as he addressed Sophie, telling her: “Well, we need to get this one some breakfast. We appreciate the update on the situation, though—please let us know if anything else comes up.”
His tone indicated this wasn't a request, but a command. Mike wanted to be the first one to hear any news—they never knew what might help their situation down the line. Besides, to his knowledge there still hadn't been any update regarding Monty's missing half—a fact that Michael easily forgot about over the course of the stressful night, but was concerning nonetheless. There were only two things that could've happened: either Monty crawled away on his own, or someone took him... and Michael wasn't sure which was worse.
“Uh right—I can give you both updates, sir,” Sophie assured, nerves making her play with the hem of her shirt sleeve. “In fact, if you happen to swing by any of the security offices, you can grab some walkie-talkies stored in the desks. That way you both can stay in the know a little easier.”
She made sure to smile at both of them. Her job was on the line at this point, and as Sophie began to egress, she waved.
“I should check on the others. Stay safe, you two.” Sophie tried to sound optimistic despite the dire circumstances. Upon her departure, Charlie nudged Michael in the shoulder.
“Dude, you were going to make her pee herself.” She was barely holding back a snicker at the way Michael's acting had the security guard wracked with nerves.
“Ugh, in a way I wish I wasn't so good...,” Mike replied with a dramatic shiver, then nudged Charlie in the arm. “But look at you, playing the sweet, innocent one; you almost had me fooled for a moment there!”
Michael tried to play this comment off with a straight face, but that only lasted about three seconds before he burst out laughing at his own lame joke. Now that the coast was clear, Freddy crouched in front of Gregory and began fixing up his sleep-mussed hair, wanting him to appear as presentable as possible for the dozens of staff who'd inevitably see him. The less questions they had about the random appearance of the founders' grandchildren, the better.
It seemed Charlie could only remained straight-faced as long as Mike did. Once his dam of giggles burst, Charlie was barely holding back her own laughter. Was it lame? Yes; it was still funny to her regardless.
Gregory may have done well with a comb, though the naturally wavy hair hid how under-groomed he was. This kid probably needed a shower more than anything, still hiding the sweat and blood by simply changing his clothes whenever possible. Gregory closed his eyes as Freddy swept a claw along his bangs, trying his best to clear the boy's face of his messy hair. The cut on his cheek had faded into a thin, pink line. Bruises that were already yellow when they first saw him had disappeared into obscurity on his face.
“I'll see you soon, Dad,” Gregory said, making sure his Fazwatch was turned on with its sound on the louder side. It wouldn't hurt him to make sure they could reach Freddy whenever possible.
“Yeah, don't worry—we'll get Gregory some food and head right back to bust you out of here, alright?” Michael added, filling the others in on his plan. He stood straight-backed and, in the poshest British accent he could manage, proclaimed: “Let's see what they'll do if Michael Afton Jr. insists on keeping the robot around, hmm?”
Freddy chuckled at this display, glad to see Mike in good spirits. Still crouched, Freddy pulled Gregory into a quick hug before letting the boy go to join his siblings. “I will see you shortly, superstar; enjoy your breakfast!”
“Eugh, dude—the voice,” Charlie griped dramatically. She pantomimed a look of nausea as Gregory gently slapped her arm while laughing at Michael's over-pronunciation.
To strangers, Mike came off as aloof and threatening with this impression. To Gregory, he sounded like Mary Poppins. It was all an act anyway, and sure, it was fun to pretend to be someone else for a while. After Gregory gave his dad a farewell hug, he parted to run between Michael and Charlie.
“If anyone asks, Gregory, who are you again?” Charlie drilled quickly, holding his hand as she quizzed him to see if he remembered what they told Vanessa yesterday.
“I'm Michael's cousin!” he replied quickly, hoping the distance in relation would excuse his lack of emotion. Surely no one would be so interested in them or their family lineage to ask such invasive questions, though it was good to have a little background.
“Perfect.” Charlie gave his hand a squeeze for luck. Soon, they were freely roaming Rockstar Row, no worries now that the sun had risen.
It was strange to see the Pizzaplex bustling with life. Though Michael and Charlie's souls had technically been around since its inception, they'd only woken up once the terrible threat of William Afton reared his ugly rabbit head yet again. Even though no guests roamed the floors, the flurry of staff running to and fro gave a hint as to what life might be like when things were normal around here.
Mike felt a pang of wistfulness as he watched a group of younger staff members chatting and laughing together. He'd given the dayshift a shot during his early years, but he had a nasty habit of getting attached to people that inevitably met an unfortunate end, so he tried to stay friendly but aloof enough that it was easy to cut ties when the time came. Despite the terror of his nightshift duties, he appreciated its solitude for similar reasons. Even so... sometimes he wondered what it would've been like if things had been different.
But he didn't need to dwell on those thoughts now—he had a family that would stick by his side through thick and thin now, and for once he dared to feel a little bit happy.
The walk to El Chips was surprisingly short, since the trio were distracted by all the bright colors of the Pizzaplex in the daylight. They also got some stares as well, but no one dared come up and speak to them. Sophie's warning that it would be in everyone's best interest not to bother them, especially the Afton boys, certainly did the trick.
The group of young adults had seen the trio coming, and after one elbowed and sharply whispered to the others, they grabbed for the nearest task to look busy. One swept over a clearly clean spot with a broom, another began wiping down a help desk, while the third pretended to answer a call.
Watching them made Charlie wistful, too. It may have seemed that she and Mike were judging the workers, but really their glares were only filled with envy. Charlie had never gotten a chance to form solidarity in a group like that when she was alive. Thankfully, she’d been given a second chance to try it with her new family.
Inside the restaurant the S.T.A.F.F. bots were busy cleaning, though one rolled behind the counter once recognizing customers coming in.
“Two burritos, please!” Gregory shouted, running up to the counter;
“That will be eight dollars and twenty six cents,” the bot replied in a scripted form.
Gregory narrowed his eyes, on his toes to be able to send a dangerous glare over the counter. “I don't have any stinking money! Just put it on Mr. Afton's tab or something!”
When the robot repeated the question, Gregory felt his bottom lip wobble. He was exhausted and hungry, and this might just be the final straw to send him over the edge. Why did all the robots around here want him to starve?
“No worries—I've got this. Gregory, keep a lookout,” Michael instructed, taking a furtive look around before hopping over the counter. When assured no human staff were wandering by, he opened a back panel in the S.T.A.F.F. bot that gave the techs quick access to its computer system. Being such a rudimentary design compared to the likes of the Glamrocks, it took Mike less than a minute to finagle some base coding around to turn off the bot's insistence on monetary compensation.
Michael closed up the back panel and returned to the correct side of the counter, waiting intently to see if his little trick worked. The robot was still for a moment as it reset, before suddenly perking up and responding:
“Thank you for your patronage. You are order number...” It paused, accessing data from the last time someone had bought food. “...87. Please listen for your number at the window. Have a Faz-tastic day.”
“Yesss!” Michael cheered quietly, pumping a subdued fist at his side when the robot wandered off to the kitchen to start preparing the food. He then glanced down at Gregory, trying to be serious despite the grin twitching up the corners of his mouth. “It's not good to tamper with company property like that, okay? If you're with anyone but us, you could get in biiiig trouble.”
Gregory felt his own smile grow as he witnessed the blatant vandalism of the robots. With both him and Charlie watching for any signs of human intervention, Gregory was excited to finally hear the order number after one grueling minute.
“Of course, Mr. Afton.” Gregory snickered, happily confident that they had the whole facility tricked into thinking they were allowed to be here.
“With Michael hacking the server bots and that fake coin of yours, we could have a fun day today,” Charlie pointed out. It would be good for them to try and unwind before what was sure to be another night of insanity.
“Oh, yeah!” Mike perked up at the mention of Gregory's handy coin on a string. He glanced to their right, where if they listened closely the faint sounds of beeping and electronic music could be heard. “You know, we're right next to the arcade... One of them, at least. If you want, we could play a few games before picking up Freddy?”
He glanced down at Gregory, wondering if the boy's desire to be a kid or his newly-formed separation anxiety from his animatronic dad would win out.
Gregory took a moment to toss the idea around in his head. It seemed as though every time they strayed from Freddy for too long, something got in the way. There was always some mishap or disaster that required immediate action. Charlie bent at the waist, shaking Gregory by the shoulders to encourage the boy’s more explorative side.
“Gregory—think of the prizes we could get,” she teased. Charlie wanted him to forget his worries for a little while, and video games were the perfect distraction.
“Alright—after I get my burritos, we should hit up the Arcade!” Gregory finally relented, conceding to the impromptu plan of relaxing with some video games. Anything to remove the lingering fear this place still held over him. Then, they would return right back to Freddy. No harm, no foul.
“Order number 87—your food is ready at the window.”
As if on cue, the S.T.A.F.F. bot's voice called to them from a little window off to the side. A bright orange tray with Freddy's face on it was set down, though the image was mostly obscured by the plate on top of it that contained two piping hot burritos. Michael grabbed the food before Gregory could crawl up on the counter and attack it in a frenzy, walking the group over to one of the little tables in the back. He set the tray down and slipped into a seat on the opposite side, patting the spot next to him for Charlie to join.
Gregory had thrown himself into the tan plastic chair. Surrounded by orange, green, and bright glowing cacti he practically vibrated under the neon lights for the burritos he’d been promised. He wasted no time as Charlie squeezed in besides Michael, mindful not to sit on his hand before looking at the food Gregory opened with envy. Sugar was one thing, but she wasn't exactly sure if they were made to withstand eating normal meals.
“How're the burritos?” Charlie asked, watching as Gregory took a bite and swallowed a portion, yet didn't seem fully satisfied until he reached for a bottle of Tabasco. He quickly poured a good fraction of sauce into the burrito before taking another critical munch.
“Tangy,” Gregory replied, trying not to spit his food everywhere as he spoke with a full mouth.
“What a rousing review,” Michael snickered.
Tentatively, more afraid of Gregory trying to bite his hand off than the consequences of what he was about to do, Mike reached for a small piece of extra pork left on the plate next to the untouched burrito. He held it up to the light, suspicious as always of Fazbear Entertainment food. Then with a shrug he put the pork into his mouth, chewing experimentally before swallowing it down with shining eyes.
“Okay, we'll see what this does to my systems in a few hours, but I sure hope we can actually eat—I missed horrible, cheap food like this,” Michael admitted, watching as Gregory inhaled the rest of his first burrito and moved onto the next one. Whereas the sugar had been sweet, the pork was even better than Mike remembered. Maybe his pure desire to taste food again was clouding his taste buds, but he didn't really care.
“Are you kidding me?” Charlie asked, wide-eyed as if the Fazbear food hadn't been everything when they were younger. Being raised on a steady diet of processed, cheesy pizza, made it Charlie's comfort food. Or, perhaps the idea of it was. “The sawdust they probably packed that burrito with is flavor country.”
As the pair spoke, Gregory was currently trying to beat the world record for most El Chip meals eaten in 30 seconds or less. That didn't even count the time he took to inject a heavy dose of Tabasco into this tortilla as well. He couldn't make for conversation, as he was busy devouring his breakfast like it was his last meal.
Mike relented with a laugh, raising his palms up in a gesture of peace. The food might be horrible in an objective sense, but he had to admit he couldn't get enough of it, either. He turned to check on Gregory, eyes widening as he saw the plate completely empty and the boy licking his fingers clean.
“Wow... I suppose we're done with breakfast then!” Michael pushed a stack of napkins towards Gregory. In his frenzy, the boy had gotten Tabasco all over his face, and Mike watched Charlie out of the corner of his eye to see if her sisterly instincts kicked in enough to try and wipe off his face again like at the diner.
No, it wasn't Charlie licking her thumb this time. She thought smarter and licked a napkin first as she leaned over the table. As Gregory attempted to escape her reach, Charlie's reflexes were superior to his. The back of his head was held in place as she dabbed the orange vinegar and spice solution from around his mouth and cheeks.
“Bluh! Pfftt—” Gregory raspberried the air, trying to get Charlie to cease her sisterly actions. This had only spurred her on out of spite.
“Oh stop! There's no one even here; are you embarrassed because I love you?” she remarked, feigning offense to his refusal in allowing her to clean him.
“No! It's because you put cooties on that napkin!” Gregory griped, entirely serious, which only made Charlie laugh harder.
“No, wait, Charlie—he's right!” Michael exclaimed, eyes wide and serious. His words caused her to pause and stare at him with a raised eyebrow. “You do have cooties...”
He shook his head with a dramatic sigh, then flashed a wicked grin. “But I don't—c’mere!”
Faster than lightening, Michael had licked his own napkin and took over Charlie's attempt to wipe the remaining half of the stubborn orange stain from Gregory's face. His shrieks of protest only made Mike laugh and work harder until, finally, Gregory was sufficiently clean enough to let go. Mike sat back in his chair with a satisfied nod, discarding the crumpled napkin on the table and smiling brightly. “See—that was much better, wasn't it?”
Oh how badly Gregory wanted to frown. As he flopped his backside back into the plastic seat Gregory tried so hard to pout. Yet a smile twitched back in at the last second.
Charlie nodded in agreement. “Much better, we can see your cute face without all that grease.”
Gregory's was red with embarrassment as he wiped away the synthetic spit. Though everything had been carefully removed by Michael, he still felt as if it was there just clinging to him.
“I'm not cute!” he protested further, then felt the need to get up and throw away his trash to escape the attention. The kid’s reaction had only made Charlie excited for the future.
How could they collectively embarrass Gregory with their familial affection in public spaces?
It reminded her of when she’d tried to be more independent, but her parents refused to let her feel like anything except their baby. Gregory may have acted mad, but Charlie could spot the hidden smile from miles away.
Surreptitiously, Mike held out a hand underneath the table for Charlie to high-five, murmuring too quietly for Gregory to hear from across the room. “Good one, sis.”
And it was true—he and Charlie were best friends to the end, but sometimes it was hard to tell where that line of friendship ended and family began. Besides, thinking logically as Freddy would, if Charlie and Michael were both Gregory’s siblings, then it stood to reason they were each other’s as well.
Charlie would try to sneak him a high-five, finding herself smiling at Michael’s little nickname for her.
“Careful,” she reminded him “That hand’s covered in cooties.”
“Who wants to get their asses kicked at Faz-Fighters?” Gregory asked upon regaining his composure. He already knew the answer though. His siblings were practically begging for one after rubbing spit all over him. Charlie stood up to let Mike have space to leave, shooting Gregory a mock glare as she rose from the chair.
“Those are strong words for someone within noogie distance,” Charlie warned him fair and square, causing Gregory to laugh and hide away by Michael’s side. The kid seemed to be in better spirits with some more food in his stomach.
“Oh, you’re on, Gregory,” Michael said, eagerly leading the way to the arcade with Gregory tagging along close to his side. “Little did you know that I was the master at arcade games back when I was your age!”
Michael’s chest puffed up a bit. He hadn’t been able to gloat like that in forever! Sure, he might be competing with a twelve year old, but he had a feeling this kid had more skills than Mike’s other siblings and the Emily’s combined. With the confidence of someone who thinks they’re unbeatable, Michael grinned down at Gregory with a raised eyebrow. “Want to make it a real competition and add a bet to this thing? I’ll even let you set the conditions.”
Charlie knew if they had any of the older games like Fruity Maze or Midnight Motorist, Gregory would be toast. However, the kid seemed to have an overabundance of confidence when it came to arcade cabinets.
“Bet? I thought we didn’t have any money!” Gregory replied with a smirk. Though that wasn’t him dismissing the idea outright. In fact, Gregory looked curious. “Alright—if I win, you gotta carry me on your shoulders and introduce me as Champion of the World.”
Charlie rolled her eyes. For a tiny kid, Gregory had a big ego. Luckily, Michael could relate at times.
“High stakes,” Charlie replied with a laugh. Gregory seemed as if he knew what he was doing. Hell, the kid risked his life to play video games, so he must love them.
Michael didn’t seem perturbed in the slightest, merely sticking out a hand for Gregory to shake on and still wearing that overconfident smirk. “Deal.”
He didn’t bother setting victory conditions for himself. The chance to take a mental and physical break from the horrors his life had become was enough of a prize. Besides, though he was loathe to admit it, watching Gregory attach himself to the Faz-Fighters game console like it was molded to his hands did give Michael pause—
But only for a second. He was the reigning champion of high scores back in the original diner, after all. Surely this would be a piece of cake.
It was a piece of cake… just not for Michael. In a shockingly short span of time, the kid had wiped the floor with him, leaving Mike to stare open-mouthed at the flashing screen proclaiming Gregory the victor.
“No way…,” he muttered as the disbelief stared to wear off. In a slightly whining tone not unlike when he lost as a kid, Michael corrected: “I mean, no fair! This competition was rigged from the start! I demand a rematch.”
“Someone's a sore loser,” Gregory mentioned, perhaps trying to irk him intentionally as little brothers were want to do. He wore an impish grin, and pointed over to Charlie who’d been racking up tickets from one of her own games. Surely that was cheating; of course she'd be able to play the Puppet's Gift Giver like nobody’s business.
“We could play again,” Gregory said, swinging the drilled coin in his hand. “You're still gonna lose though.” He leaned against the machine, realistically thinking Michael may just be severely under practiced, hence his good luck this round. “I'll even be balloon boy this time! You'll totally win...”
The kid was a hustler and a con artist, that much was evident. As Charlie played her rather relaxed game of giving presents, she’d been laughing at the boys for the past five and a half minutes.
“No, I’m not falling for that—we’re playing Fruity Maze this time,” Michael said, crossing his arms resolutely so there was no room for argument. Gregory had picked one of his games, so now it was Michael’s turn. He shot Charlie a glare for her continuous snickering, though it was playful enough not to actually seem threatening—and Michael’s grumpiness only seemed to make her laugh harder. With bright eyes ready for revenge, Mike led Gregory over to one of the Fruity Maze consoles and gestured for him to slip his handy-dandy coin in the slot.
“You can go first,” he said with a wolfish grin. Surely the kid didn’t stand a chance on one of Michael’s old favorites.
Fruity Maze? Gregory scoffed and went towards the isometric, table shaped game. After quickly examining the controls, Gregory replied with a scoff. “Too easy. Just a maze...”
The clueless boy let his coin fall into the slot before pulling it out swiftly. As the game activated, Gregory realized that it was a timed challenge, every round started with so many seconds and although he did manage to earn some, the maze was nearly impossible being mostly dead-ends.
Who makes a game like that? Just to torture people?
The anxiety of wasting time on the clock eventually caught up with Gregory. On the third round, he met his fate in yet another dead end and let out a groan. “This game cheats; it's busted— there’s too many corners to get trapped in!”
“—Games are supposed to be fun, boys,” Charlie remarked with another laugh, her current pile of tickets stacking up heavily. What she was saving up for was unknown.
“Let me show you how a pro does it,” Michael said, stepping up to the console as Gregory faked the machine out with his coin again. He’d spent hours and hours of his life learning how to avoid every dead end and get all the power-ups he possibly could. His concentration narrowed into the small square window of the display, and soon he'd well-surpassed Gregory’s score. He could’ve played for much longer, but decided not to torture the kid too much and allowed his character to lose all his lives shortly thereafter.
“I’ve still got a few tricks up my sleeve,” Mike commented, trying to sound nonchalant despite the twinkling of mirth in his eyes.
A prompt was even displayed, telling Michael that he could input his initials to be immortalized in the High Score Roster. The roster itself wasn't very full, people not willing to go through the learning curve of a 40 year old game. Hell, Gregory would bet the machine itself was a salvage and wondered idly whose initials of SUZ still stood the top of the chart. It’d nearly been knocked off by Michael's score, just thirty points away.
“That's amazing!” Gregory replied with a hearty laugh. “There's only like six people on this chart and you got second place!”
Gregory would have to come back and learn the machine, just to get first place and rub it in Michael's face later.
“Thanks, kid,” Michael replied, taking his compliment as genuine and not realizing Gregory’s secret plans to dethrone him on the leaderboard. He typed in his initials and turned back to Gregory with a smile no longer wicked with fierce competitiveness.
“Even though we’re tied, you technically won the original game we made the bet on… so I’ll give you the win this time.” Michael held out his hand to shake on again, but as Gregory took it his grip tightened and he playfully threatened. “But next time, you’re going down!”
Gregory opened his mouth to disagree, his hand grip strength trying to match his brother, but when an alarm blared from Charlie's game in the corner his vision snapped to her. A robotic voice sounded from the speaker system, over the synth music they played on repeat inside the arcade.
“NEW HIGHSCORE!” it shouted, highlighting whenever someone topped the leader boards for any of the games. Tickets flew from its metal-box dispenser. Charlie knelt on the ground and just barely able to fit the roll she was collecting in her arms.
“I lived inside of an Arcade for like 30 years! I had a lot of time to get good at this game!” Charlie said, humbly averting her gaze before gathering her winnings together. She used to be sort of a newbie when it came to games and remembered having either Sammy or Michael beating levels for her that she just couldn't figure out. Now, she could operate one with her eyes closed.
Michael slowly shifted his gaze from Charlie to Gregory, murmuring to the boy: “Alright, good to know: never challenge Charlie to a high-score competition…”
After laughing at his jibe, Gregory rushed over to Charlie’s side and helped her pick up a ream of tickets that fluttered to the floor before his eyes. “What exactly are you gonna use those for, anyway?”
Charlie looked like she’d been waiting for someone to ask. Pointing back to the prize counter, Charlie diverted the boy's attention to the top shelf. On it was a 'deluxe' Fazbear vintage backpack. She spied it the last time they'd come to the Arcade. It came with a sticker sheet, a themed notebook, plus a Fazbear crayon pack. The backpack was familiar, and reminded her of the one a certain dead-beat Uncle had gifted to her long ago. She wanted it for the nostalgia factor mostly, but it wouldn't hurt to have a backpack to carry about things for both themselves and Gregory.
“Feast your eyes,” Charlie remarked, pointing to the saturated canvas bag. It appeared to be based off of Freddy's color scheme, the red's, tans and browns allowing a singular blue lightning bolt on the front to pop. “Two thousand more tickets, and it'll be mine.”
Michael let out a low whistle. “Wow, I didn’t notice that before…”
Likely because the last time he’d been here, he was still stuck in Freddy’s head. Plus, they’d either been running from Roxy or trying to find where Gregory wandered off to on the way to the security office. Speaking of which—
“Hey, Gregory—what was that game you found the other day? Princess-something?” Michael asked, eyebrows furrowing inquisitively. He hadn’t gotten a good look at the machine for obvious reasons, but the brief flash of images he’d seen intrigued him. He glanced to Charlie again, gesturing to her ticket pile. “You won, right? Maybe we can check it out again and help Charlie get some tickets!”
Never mind the fact that they didn’t need tickets to get whatever merchandise they wanted. They were already wearing half the gift shop’s supply of clothes, but because of their Afton and Emily status, no one would dare question them even if they took the most expensive prizes in the whole mall. Still, though Michael’s instinct was to simply snatch the backpack off the shelf, he could appreciate Charlie’s want to do things the right way.
It was an endearing trait that Michael had really only seen in one other person—a good, good... friend and coworker from before he’d been scooped. The guy once recounted a story of how he racked up tickets for months to get a silly little prize he could’ve easily encouraged the mangers to gift him for overtime compensation… Michael rolled his eyes at the good memories, refusing to think of the bad ones that came afterwards.
“What do you think?” he prompted, nudging Gregory’s shoulder with his elbow and using the physical touch to ground himself. “Want to help your sis kick ass at video games?”
“Princess Quest?” Gregory asked, though really he knew which one his brother was talking about. The ticket payout was decent if you beat the game after unlocking everything. He could probably beat it again, faster now that he knew the paths and secrets.
“Yeah! It's in the corner; be back with a butt-ton of tickets!” he reassured, happy to show off in front of his siblings.
“Oooh! Thank you so much, Gregory!” Charlie made sure to tell him. After all, they could pool whatever was left over and get Gregory and Michael a prize, too. They could hone their skills for a bit and collect their tickets to get any number of things—or, if that didn’t work by the end of the day, go with Michael's plan to steal anything they wanted.
Charging towards the back, Gregory retraced his steps from two nights ago, his memory leading him correctly now to the dusty old game. Charlie did her best to roll up the absurd amount of tickets and fit them into her pockets.
“Here, let me take some,” Michael offered, holding out a hand when he saw Charlie struggle. When she hesitated, he rolled his eyes with a laugh. “I promise I won’t steal them… this time.”
He flashed her a grin, all teeth and unconvincing innocence, though he got Charlie to relent and hand over a small stack of tickets that Michael folded up and shoved into his pockets. While it wasn't entirely Michael's fault for having such an untrustworthy face, that devilish and toothy grin did not do well to convince her.
“I will destroy you if you use them to buy those cheap sunglasses again,” Charlie warned. She would never forget that time she'd gone to use the bathroom, coming back to find Michael with the brand new Fazbear aviators on his face. He wore them inside the whole day while Charlie struggled to earn back the ticket loss.
They followed Gregory’s path to the Princess Quest console. Michael frowned as he examined the area and the machine itself, both of which looked like they hadn’t been touched in a long time.
“Weird,” he murmured, running a fingertip over the console and coming away with a fine coating of dust. “It’s like no one’s played this for months…”
“It must have a reputation. I know when I played it, the game was glitchy as hell,” Gregory admitted, lining up with coin with the slot hole again before pressing start.
“No wonder no one wants to touch it,” Michael commented, watching the screen light up. He frowned, staring at the little yellow player character as she ran around per Gregory’s direction.
Something about this game was… not right. Michael couldn’t place why, though. It just left him with a queasy feeling in his stomach the more he watched the princess fend off the glitching purple creatures. Although, maybe the queasiness was just from the meat he’d stupidly consumed earlier.
“Looks like it’s part of a series,” Michael pointed out, speaking more to Charlie since Gregory was clearly in the zone. He gestured to the logo at the top of the console, which had a big Roman numeral “one” next to the Princess Quest name.
“Huh...” Gregory paused, hesitating on pressing on. If there were more, he would rather find a newer version to play. “Let's find the sequel! Maybe they fixed some of the glitches...”
There was something awful about those bunny creatures. They just reminded Gregory a little too much of William. Then again, the likelihood of him having some part in this games creation was high. After all, the other games had at least one of the co-owners names as credits for the IP.
“Isn’t there another arcade?” Michael asked, trying to recall his mental map of the Pizzaplex. They were in the East Arcade, so it stood to reason there was a West as well. “Maybe if we can’t find part two in here, it’ll be in the other one!” He paused with a slight tilt of his head. “…We should probably pick up Freddy first, though. And maybe get a walkie from the security office nearby.”
“Oh good idea! I can go grab the walkie-talkie,” Charlie offered, unafraid to go alone with all the employees freely meandering about.
As Gregory finished the level, this game left him with an odd headache. It was very easy to get distracted by the hypnotic sounds and atmosphere of it all. For it being a simple 8 bit game, its magnetism almost had Gregory asking Charlie what she said before he was able to pull his attention back.
“Oh yeah! We'll see you in a minute,” Gregory replied, figuring it best to pull away and try to contact his dad. Both to let him know where they were, and that they’d be swinging by, Gregory raised the themed watch to his face and began to phone him. “Freddy? Come in, Papa Bear...”
“HELLO, SUPERSTAR!” Freddy’s voice blasted out of the tiny speaker. Michael flinched back as Gregory frantically readjusted the volume while Freddy continued with his parental questioning. “How are you feeling? Did you have breakfast yet? If so, did you get enough to eat? Have you had water as well? It is very important to keep hydrated, you know! Are you having fun with Michael and Charlie?”
“Give the kid a chance to answer you, Freddy!” Michael chimed in with a laugh, leaning over so his voice could be caught by the Fazwatch microphone.
Gregory had sputtered a moment before the bear finished his barrage of questions. Gosh, he must be bored without them!
“We had breakfast burritos! I can pick some water up before we come back to get you,” Gregory assured, beginning to head out of the Arcade to wait for Charlie in the hall. “We're having a lot of fun! Right now we're trying to play the rest of Princess Quest so we can win Charlie this backpack she wants.”
“That sounds wonderful!” Freddy replied, the smile obvious in his voice. He was glad to hear that no strange instances had occurred during his absence, and that the trio seemed to be getting along just fine.
“Like Gregory said, we're coming to get you in a few minutes,” Michael added, following Gregory out into the hallway and parking them both against the wall just outside the arcade entrance. He took stock of the various staff members wandering around, though as before no one actually tried to talk to them.
“Alright; I will see you all soon!” Freddy responded, unable to hide his eagerness to get out of his room and spend some quality time with his family.
It seemed a number of staff were gathering near a large vent in the wall, shinning lights inside. As Charlie came back with one large walkie-talkie clipped to her belt buckle, she craned her head in curiosity at the spectacle.
“Something wrong, fellas?” she asked, standing behind the group. They must not have noticed her at first, the gaggle of young adults nearly jumping from their skin.
“Ms. Emily! Sorry—Uh... We... Think there might be a... A small rat problem?” a nervous boy forced out. Charlie raised an eyebrow, silently waiting for him to elaborate further “We... Uhm... We keep hearing scratching? And uh... Honking. That might just be Music Man though. He loves the vents...”
Charlie's first thought trailed to Ennard, and she instantly averted to soothing mode. “Oh! Don't you guys worry about rats. I'll tell management to schedule an exterminator on Monday.”
The staff thanked her as she headed back to her group with a wave, seemingly relieved not to go back to their investigation in the central airway vents.
“We should get back; Ennard is freaking the staff out...” Charlie jabbed a thumb over her shoulder, pointing out the pack of scared college graduates.
“Oh, for fu—” For the sake of Gregory and the sanity of the staff who flinched when Michael’s face twisted into an expression of what they presumed to be rage at their incompetence, Mike managed to reign in his curse. Pinching the bridge of his nose and squeezing his eyes shut, he heaved a sigh. Once composed, he offered the group a dead-eyed Afton stare, though it was really focused on the vent cover beyond them.
“Yes, it’s nothing to concern yourselves with,” he said to the huddled staff members. Michael clenched his teeth in a sharp smile. “I’ll see to this problem personally.”
With that proclamation, Michael turned on his heel and started the trek back to Freddy’s room, making sure to grab Gregory’s hand along the way. He wished there was a chemical he could just spray in the vents to flush Ennard out, but in reality Mike just needed to have a little chat. He’d almost gotten used to the fact that Ennard was following him around, but he couldn’t have the thing freaking out staff—the last thing they needed was for someone to come across the amalgamation on accident and get traumatized.
If Ennard didn't scare them, Michael's stern attitude sure had. Gregory made sure to hold onto to Mike's hand as his brisk pace was simply too fast for the boy. He made no complaints, despite the distance they crossed in such a short amount of time. It seemed the staff were more aware of them, either making sure to stay clear, or attempting to schmooze with the group by wishing them a 'good morning' in passing.
“Are you mad, Michael?” Gregory asked, hoping the mood Ennard put him in would pass.
“Hmm?” Mike glanced down at Gregory, having been lost in thought. When he saw the boy's face, his expression immediately softened into a much more easy-going smile. “No, I'm not mad—just annoyed. I don't want Ennard to get spotted; the last thing we need on top of everything else is people questioning what the hell they are.”
Which was true... although he really wanted the thing to just go away and never come back. However, Michael had a sinking feeling that Ennard had already grown a fondness for Gregory, too—certainly not to the extent they obsessed over Michael, but Ennard had saved both of them. He doubted they were going to leave them alone anytime soon.
Charlie tapped Michael's shoulder, garnering his attention. “They seem to not want anyone to find them, at least. Maybe we should tell everyone not to snoop around the vents?” She unclipped the walkie-talkie from her belt loop with one fluid motion and held it up.
“Oooh! Good thinking, Charlie!” Gregory said. Everyone listened to them as if they were from Administration regardless. Emboldened, Charlie pressed the speaker button and relayed the message.
“Hey, Staff, this is Ms. Emily—” She spoke professionally into the receiver, finding it weird to refer to herself in such a manner as she talked. “— Any and all maintenance on the air ducts are postponed until further notice. If you have any concerns, find myself or Mr. Afton.”
“Thanks—that should help a lot,” Michael agreed, flashing Charlie a grateful smile. After a short pause, they rounded around to Rockstar Row, hearing the various staff copy her well-put message.
Nearing Freddy's room, they could see that he'd opened the curtain for the first time since the other night. It allowed the glowing, fluorescent lighting of Rockstar Row to filter into the room, which was noticeably cleaner than when they'd left. Apparently, this is how Freddy had been entertaining himself in their absence. When he caught sight of them, Freddy waved enthusiastically and moved to open his door.
“Hello, you three!” he greeted with a smile, ushering them inside. “Gregory says you have been enjoying your time together!”
“Yeah, he's a great kid,” Michael said, a bit absently. He was looking around Freddy's room, clearly searching for something, and upon Freddy's question of what that might be the android responded: “I'm looking for a vent big enough to fit a certain someone...”
“Ah, check the back storage room,” Freddy replied, inclining his head to the door. With a thankful nod, Michael followed his instructions and went into the back room, soon locating a large vent near the top of a shelving unit.
“Hey!” Michael hissed, looking into the darkness. “I know you're in there—come here for a second, will you?”
And oh, how Ennard wasted no time rushing to Michael's beck and call. The way Ennard moved sounded like a rain-stick made of aluminum. When their form finally passed half the threshold of the air duct, Ennard let out a frighteningly loud, “MIKEY!” in greeting.
“WE HAVE MISSED YOU... HOW IS CHILD-MICHAEL?” Ennard asked, apparently not quite catching Gregory's name, but associating him with Mike nevertheless. They tilted their head, sporadic and unpredictable with their movements. It seemed almost painful to move in such a way as they fitted their parts in the right place, slowly morphing their shape back into that of a crude person.
“Ugh...” Michael grimaced, hating how Ennard moved on principle. “Gregory is fine; you don't need to pay him any mind.”
As little contact as those two had, the better in Michael's eyes.
“I'm not sure how much you heard over all your scuttling, but you're freaking people out,” Michael informed the amalgamation, crossing his arms over his chest. He was less wary of Ennard than he'd been before, although despite what Ennard might want they'd certainly never be best friends—or friends at all, if Mike had any real say in the matter. “We've told staff to leave the vents alone for now, but can you... tone it down at all? The scraping can be chalked up to something else, but the honking is suspicious as hell.”
Michael gave up the idea of telling Ennard to be silent long ago. Without a plush suit to cushion the wires scraping the metal vents, they'd make noise no matter where they went. Even with Charlie's instructions people were still going to notice strange sounds, so hopefully Michael's request to not give the impression of a clown in the ventilation system would help ease the staff's nerves in the long run.
Ennard looked away in a bashful motion, their eye's twitching in place, seemingly thinking over Michael's words.
“WE SEE YOU... HAVING FUN. IT MAKES US HAPPY. WE WISH WE COULD...” Ennard trailed off, avoiding the topic of their own happiness before trying to listen to the request. It would be hard, keeping track of the group and also staying silent while moving. The excited honking happened when they felt secondhand joy while watching the three siblings play together.
“THE GIRL... CASSIDY... WANTS TO MAKE SURE... FAMILY IS SAFE.” Ennard explained further why their presence was so intrusive. It may be true, though even as Ennard's tendrils slithered around Michael's legs it was hardly convincing.
“...Ah.” That added a little more explanation as to why Ennard wanted to stick around so often. It was hard for Michael to think of them as anything but the creature that destroyed his life, but Ennard was just a collection of robotic parts and their AIs who wanted to be free and apparently make some friends.
That was the whole point of taking over Michael's body, after all—a twisted attempt to escape from the place they were literally being tortured, and Mike had seemed like the perfect candidate. Disguising as a human was a good way to talk to other people, but... obviously that didn't quite work out as expected. Feeling the cold wires against his legs, Michael quickly dislodged himself, though he resisted the urge to stomp on them as he did before.
Okay, he stomped once, but he missed the mark by such a wide margin it was questionable whether he actually meant to cause damage.
“Alright, well... you can tell Cassidy that we appreciate the lookout—we're okay for now,” he said eventually, trying not to dwell on Ennard's earlier comment. He shoved his hands in his pockets, huffing a sigh. “Just stay out of sight like you have been, alright? That's all I want.”
Ennard seemed to visibly deflate at his disconnection. They shuffled in place a bit, wringing their hands a little as they hunched their shoulders. They would have to find some way to make themselves quiet.
Ennard looked down at their body. Were they really that frightening to the others? They were made of such beloved characters! With the charm of Funtime Foxy, Funtime Freddy’s friendly attitude, Bon-Bon's optimism, and Ballora’s beauty and grace… Who could ask for a more well-rounded friend?
Sadly, all of their personalities conflicted. That was why they came off as unstable—because by nature, they were. Even if the things they had done made sense in their head, it was like four people trying to brush their hair at once with the same comb. Everyone had the right idea, yet the execution would always be impossible.
“WE WILL FIX OURSELVES…,” Ennard offered slowly. Hoping maybe changing despite the pain it put them through would help alleviate the issue. “ENNARD WILL BECOME QUIETER. THANK YOU… MIKE…”
Michael watched them go with a frown, wondering exactly what “fixing themselves” entailed. Then, he realized that he didn't care enough to know, so he turned on his heel and headed back to the warm comfort of Freddy's room. Gregory was sitting on the couch, in the middle of regaling Freddy with the tale of how he'd been viciously attacked by his siblings at the breakfast table. The bear sat next to Gregory and listened with rapt interest, a smile brightening up his face as Charlie laughed at Gregory's version of events from her spot on the floor.
“Have you gotten to the part where Charlie has a horrible case of cooties yet?” Michael asked, perching on the couch. As he waited for an answer, he proceeded to slide the boy over with his hip and a few gentle shoves to make room, thus essentially sandwiching Gregory between himself and Freddy. This made Gregory gasp in realization.
“RIGHT—that wasn’t even the worst part! You need to medical scan me, Freddy!” Gregory said with a concerning whine. Before Freddy could actually have time to react, Gregory added as if embarrassed to admit: “Charlie gave me cooties… I think I might’ve given them to Michael—”
Charlie had to intervene. She leaned over the back of the couch and turned that little face towards her, gaining the boy’s full attention.
“Gregory… Cooties aren’t real. You know that, right?” she asked, hoping that Gregory had been joking. Was that the real reason he’d been afraid of Cassidy? Because of a made up girl-disease? Gregory didn’t answer, just waved Charlie off.
“She’s gonna do it again!” he shouted, falling over to escape Charlie’s touch and subsequently falling with his back impacting Michael’s lap.
“Charlie is correct,” Freddy felt the need to add, also unsure if Gregory truly believed in the made up virus. He focused on Gregory, conducting a quick health scan anyway for good measure. With a smile, Freddy assured: “And even if it was, real, my sensors do not indicate the presence of any virus within your body.” His gaze shifted to Mike and he performed the same scan. “…Nor on Michael; you are both safe.”
“Thanks for the reassurance,” Michael replied with a snicker, unable to stop himself. Maybe he shouldn’t be encouraging his little brother’s fear of harmless fake diseases, but he had to admit Gregory’s faces were priceless.
“You lied to me…” Gregory hissed, feigning hurt and betrayal as he glared up at Michael. Charlie laughed at the boys, the doofuses they were, and leaned on Freddy’s shoulder. She'd also seemed to miss the bear and decided to give him a hug.
“Gregory, despite his grotesque cootie infection, volunteered to help me win some tickets!” she explained with an excited outlook, then looked sweetly to the bear. “Want to come with us to the Arcade?”
“I simply encouraged your delusion, Gregory,” Michael responded matter-of-factly. He ruffled the boy’s hair, completely unfazed by his glare as he looked to Freddy with a raised eyebrow. “So? Want to get out of here and have some fun for a bit?”
“I would love that,” Freddy said, gently letting his head fall against Charlie’s as she hugged him around the neck. “But I was told to stay in my room all day… you do not think my absence would cause problems?”
“Not with us by your side it won’t.” Michael chuckled, the force of it slightly bouncing Gregory who still laid in his lap. “Most of the staff is afraid to even look at me—I doubt anyone’s going to ask me why I’ve decided to take an animatronic out for a stroll with the family.”
Gregory’s frown slowly faded when he remembered how much more frightened of Michael’s potential wrath than that of the mysterious noises in the vents. He would silently snicker to himself. During the daytime, they owned this whole place. It’s a shame it all changed at night. They’d be kids in a candy shop to have this while place unsupervised. That was the goal when Gregory snuck inside… How was he to know what to expect next?
“Yeah! If we run into Sophie, we’ll tell her we’re running uh… Routine customer interactivity tests. And Gregory’s our test subject!” Charlie assured.
“Well, I certainly cannot argue with that plan,” Freddy said with laughter in his eyes. It was strange how his physical features hadn’t changed over the past few days, yet Freddy seemed so much more expressive now. He gave Charlie’s head a light pat and she released her hug, after which Freddy stood. “Which arcade are we going to? There are multiple locations throughout the Pizzaplex.”
“We want to visit the West Arcade; we haven’t been there yet,” Michael replied as he gripped Gregory under the shoulders and hoisted the boy off his lap, letting his legs dangle in the air for a moment before setting him down on the floor with a grin.
Freddy perked up at Michael’s words, his face brightening even more than before. Now that they were in the relative safety of daytime, perhaps they could meet an animatronic that wasn’t immediately hell-bent on killing them on sight. “Oh, you all will love the West Arcade! We can visit DJ Music Man while we are there!”
Michael frowned at this, recalling the nervous staff’s comment from earlier. “Yeah, we heard he likes to go in the vents…?”
“Ah, that is Music Man—related, but not quite the same.” Freddy chuckled, making his way for the door. “The DJ is different—and such a nice fellow!”
Charlie perked up at the promise of a DJ. She’d always been a music lover, and the chance to kick back with some familiar tunes they grew up with would just make her day. Well, other than acquiring the highly sought after Deluxe Fazbag. Rounding around the couch to Charlie’s side, Gregory found and matched her energy.
“Alright, bet!” he replied. The idea of meeting another friendlier animatronic wouldn’t hurt the day. Besides, Freddy was in desperate need of seeing one (even temporarily) non-infected friend, too.
“Well? What are we waiting for! Let’s go get us some tickets and watch the DJ play!” Charlie urged.
Today felt dreamier. Everything so vividly sweet and going their way. Charlie wouldn’t dare jinx it by dwelling on her happiness in the moment. So she’d keep her mouth shut and head for the door, giddy with anticipation.
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Chapter 1&2
Fandom - Stranger Things
Rating - Teen and Up
Couples - Steve x Eddie
Nancy x Jonathan
Summary - it's been three weeks since the destruction of Star Court Mall and Steve Harrington is trying to get back to normal. But his life becomes nothing but normal when Eddie Munson walks into it
Chapter 1: 3 weeks
July 25, 1985
Speech by The Mayor of Hawkins
“Three weeks have passed since that Fourth of July.
The Fourth is to celebrate our independence but after this year it will mean so much more to the people of Hawkins.
It will be a day to remember the people who stood up to unimaginable evil and sacrificed themselves for others.
We will remember Sheriff Jim Hopper as a valuable member of our police force, a caring individual, and most of all a wonderful father to his daughter Jane.
He died while trying to save the lives of others when the explosion at the mall happened.
We will remember the young lives of Billy Hargrove and Heather Holloway who were taken too early by an unimaginable tragedy that befell them at Star Court Mall.
As Mayor of Hawkins I promise I will find the culprits who set the explosives in the basement of the mall and the will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I also pledge that the mall will be rebuilt bigger and better.
Today we move forward. The shops reopen. Schools will open again in a month. Let's make the rest of summer as memorable as we can for the children returning to school.
Thank you all for coming”
Family Video after the speech
Steve sighed. Standing outside of the video store he couldn't help but want to scream “ the speech was all a bunch of horseshit to save the mayor's ass”.
But he didn't. He just thought about what really happened that night.
Robin and him here captured and drugged by Russian spies and Erica and Dustin we're almost captured themselves.
Not only were Russian spies trying to open a gate to the upside down in the basement of the mall but Billy died a fucking hero. He gave his life to make sure Max and the rest of them survive. Hopper gave his life shutting down the damn gate.
But they also lost living people.
The death of Hopper was the last straw in Joyce’s haystack. First there was Bob who she saw die right in front of her and then there was the last person in the world she could lose, Hopper.
She had packed up Jane, Will and Jonathan and moved to Lenora Hills, California.
It didn't end there though. Nancy also moved with the Byers to California. She was offered a job at one of the leading papers there and she couldn't refuse so Joyce told her she could live with them.
He finally was ready to open the store but his hand was shaking. Half out of sadness and the other half anger.
Sadness at losing friends in such a way. Sadness for Dustin and friends who had to say goodbye to Will. Sadness for Max who was dealing with guilt and anger of her own. He let her know she could talk to him anytime.
Then there was the anger.
Anger at the town for ignoring Billy and not even attending the small service his parents had. Only him and the gang showed up but they showed up for support towards Max.
Anger at Neil Hargrove for taking off and leaving his wife and daughter to fend for themselves. Thankfully a kind benefactor bought their house and turned the deed over to Max.
They will never know that Billy had given Steve the money to buy the house if he died and Neil pulled some stupid shit like he did.
Billy was rough around the edges and his fists hurt like hell but Steve would fight anyone who tried to tell him he didn't love Max.
He finally got the door unlocked and he went inside, locking the doors behind him so he could get ready for the days.
The store wasn't set to open for another half hour so he got the registers ready, the displays set right, and did some basic cleaning.
Robin would be in an hour after opening so he would have some quiet time to set himself right.
When the clock hit 10 am he opened the doors and went to his spot behind the counter.
Between it being summer and the fact everyone probably was back home sleeping after that riveting pile of lies, he doubted anyone would be in until the afternoon.
Taking in a deep breath and reminding himself it was time to let it go he started messing around with the displays on the counter.
That's when he heard the ding.
The sound announced that a customer had just entered the store.
He looked up and he almost fell backward.
There at the front the door was Eddie Munson. Steve couldn't help but be mesmerized by the guy's smile and his very beautiful hair. The curled-filled strands fell beneath his shoulders making him even more tantalizing to look at.
Shaking himself out of his daze, Steve said “welcome to Family Video where everyone is family. Anything I can help you find”?
Giving his award-winning smile Eddie cleared his throat and said “I found what I'm looking for”.
Chapter 2: Eddie
Steve blushed brighter than a tomato making Eddie laugh. His laugh was so childlike and beautiful.
“So big boy, are you free after work tonight? I thought you could come by place and watch a movie of your choosing” Eddie said as he came closer to the counter.
‘He already has a nickname for me,’ Steve thought to himself. He wanted to say yes so badly. He should say yes.
“That sounds fun,” Steve said, putting a hand on top of Eddie’s. He could feel the rings on each of his fingers. His hands were calloused from helping his uncle fix cars.
Eddie didn't move his hand which made Steve even happier and then out of nowhere Eddie leaned over the counter and gave Steve a kiss on his cheek.
“That's to keep you going big boy,” Eddie said with a bright smile and as he walked out Robin walked in and smiled wickedly.
When she got her stuff put away in the back and her name tag on Robin headed back out to the front.
“So straight Steve isn't so straight after all” Robin teased as she got situated.
Steve looked at her confused and asked “whoever said I was?”
“The whole school dingus. Whenever rumors popped up about you and Tommy, Billy and Jonathan the natural answer was ‘straight as a ruler Steve’.
Though I never truly believed that especially watching you around Jonathan but I wasn't going to make assumptions since you were so hooked on Nancy.
But don't worry dingus, your secret is safe with me” Robin said in one breath.
Steve places his head on the table and groans. “I don't know Robin, I've never felt the way I do about Eddie around others, even Nancy.
He is like walking in the sunlight. His smile makes me smile.
His eyes never stop beaming with a childlike wonder that I wish I could have.
He is like a rock. I never knew I needed Rob.
He also likes kids which means he isn't going to mind my dream of having a bunch of kids and going on a family trip, or at least I don't think he will” Steve said into the counter.
Robin rubbed his back and said, “you've got it bad and my guess is that this is the first time you've actually spoken to him”.
Steve nodded and slapped his forehead and said “I don't even know if he feels the same. I mean he kissed my cheek but that doesn't mean anything. He could kiss everyone's cheek.
Maybe he just knew I was down and was offering to be a friend and here I am planning out our entire future together even though I don't even know if he likes me like that.
What's wrong with me”?
“That is a loaded question dingus and would take hours and maybe days to answer but that guy was hot on you.
He never lost eye contact with you even as he was walking out.
Just relax, finish work, and then get the guy of your dreams. I will take on your babysitting duties at the Sinclair home tonight” Robin said with a grin.
“Damn I forgot about that. I should just call Eddie and say I can't make it” Steve said and reached for the phone.
Robin slapped his hand and said, “I have Erica, you take care of Eddie”.
Steve opened his mouth to protest but Robin put her hand over it. It was the end of that conversation.
The rest of the day Robin wouldn't let him near the phone.
She didn't want any chance of him calling and canceling. The only call he was allowed to make was to Sue Sinclair letting her know Robin would be watching Erica since something came up.
Thankfully Sue knew Robin and Erica liked it better anyway when Robin watched her because she was more relaxed with the rules, so it wasn't a big deal.
And then there was Dustin. He decided to pop in and say hi and of course, Robin told him everything about Eddie and him inviting Steve over.
“Oh my God Steve, Eddie is like a God to D&D players. His campaigns are epic and he is the highest-rated dungeon master I know” Dustin said super excited.
“You know Eddie Munson Dustin?” Steve asked his jealousy of how amazing Dustin thought Eddie was showing.
“Yeah. Met him when he came to the middle school to do a campaign there. I can't wait to be part of The Hellfire Club. Also, you dating him would mean I have a pass in” Dustin said still excited.
Steve moaned and when Dustin dashed out to tell the others, went back to cleaning racks and things while Robin laughed at his jealousy.
As 6 pm approached, Steve's stomach began to churn with nervousness.
“I can't do this Robin,” Steve said as they headed to his car. He was going to drop her off at the Sinclairs and then head to Eddies.
“You will be fine. Just be yourself and things will happen as they are supposed to, " Robin said, rubbing his shoulders.
Steve tried to believe her but it was hard since he was about to go and try to make something work with his polar opposite.
When they got to the Sinclairs house Robin told Steve to be brave and headed inside.
He was glad she would be spending the night since she didn't drive.
Looking over he saw the two movies Robin had picked out for them to watch. One was an animated cartoon called Ewoks and the battle for Endor and the other was Tommy.
Steve liked the cuddly Ewoks but he wasn't sure that Eddie would feel the same so they would probably end up watching Tommy since it's his kind of music.
As soon as she was in he started the car and headed to the scariest place he had ever been, Eddie Munson’s house for a movie date.
#stranger things#fanfic#ao3 fanfic#steve harrington#ao3 tags#eddie munson#fanfiction#stranger things fanfiction#steddie#dungeons and dragons#reblog please
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This is calm, and it's, Doctor #8
Warning: some domestic abuse, but nothing gory
On the drive home, my head was filled with memories of yesterday. How cute Spencer was when all he wanted to do was win a game of chess. Pretty much passing out on his lounge while waiting for dinner. Dancing the night away and waking up surrounded by fuzzy, cuddly, Spencer blanket. My heart beat hard, my head filled with joy.
Does Spencer feel this way about me? There's no reason he would. We barely know each other.
I arrived home and jumped straight in the shower. Washing my hair felt so good, I stood there, massaging for a while, relieving my head of the stress from the last week. I scrubbed my body and shaved everything baby smooth.
Stepping out of the shower, I reached for a towel from the rack, grabbed it and patted myself dry. I wrapped it around myself and looked in the mirror, memories of the first night I spent with a guy after leaving my ex.
~ I had arrived home and was finishing up having a shower, I reached for the towel rack, only looking when I couldn't feel one. When I looked, I was surprised to see my ex sitting on the toilet. A look of anger on his face...
"Have a good night?" he retorted.
"Doesn't matter to you, but it was great." I retaliated, hating that he made it in to my house without my knowing.
"As if. No one can make you feel the way that I can. I make you feel so good, baby, don't I?" He said, getting up off the toilet seat, coming toward me, one hand hiding behind his back.
"Fuck off. I don't want you anymore. I already told you." I said, backing up, ripping a folded towel off the counter behind me, "You need to leave, right now." Even though my voice was stern, he was still coming for me.
I didn't want to fight, so I ran, he tried to grab me on my way past, but I was still wet, so I slipped out of his grip. I ran straight for the front door, flinging it open and banging on my neighbours door. She didn't hesitate to open it, seeing me on the other side. I shoved my way in and she locked the door.
We moved away from the door, to her room and she grabbed me a spare shirt, I dropped the towel to put it on and was shocked to see red all over the towel where my hand had been pressed to my chest. I looked up at her who noticed it as well. She was on the phone to emergency serviced and asked for an ambulance to be added to the people on dispatch.
I didn't even realise he had got me as I pushed past him. the adrenaline was pumping through my body. I picked the towel back up and pressed it to myself once again. Waiting. He was banging on the door, demanding to be let in. He left soon after, knowing how this would end if he didn't.
The police arrived after what seemed like forever, followed by the EMT's. They were let into the apartment and the EMT suggested I go to hospital. I opted to get myself there after they deemed that the cut was not bad enough to need emergency surgery. I gave my statement to the police and thanked my neighbour for letting me in to her place so quick. ~
That was the last time I saw him. I moved out 2 weeks after that, changed jobs and finished studying. I looked at myself in the mirror, lowering the towel, lowering the towel, revealing the scar I still have on the outside of my breast, right where it meets my chest.
I covered up and went to my room, deciding what to wear.
'Something nice, but casual enough to walk places.' I tho9ught to myself. I landed on a semi-fitted sun dress and my favourite lime-green bikini. I wore some flats that I was easily able to slip on and off. I threw my hair into a messy bun and decided it was good enough.
I grabbed a few things, like sunscreen and a towel and popped them into a beach bag that I had stored away. I was ready to go. I checked my watch 11:15. Taking one last look around the place, I took my stuff and left. On the drive, I couldn't help but drive past Spencer's place, just for fun, and only 2 minutes later, I arrived at the cafe where I had met the boys for the first time.
The clock on my dash read 11:37, plenty of time to sit and wait before the boys would be here. I closed my eyes and rested my head back on the head rest. My mind wondering back to last night, wish that Spencer would think of me the same way I think of him. Maybe I'm just being desperate, but thinking about Spencer causes me to smile, every single time. I can't help it.
The loud knock on my window cause me to jolt from my thoughts. I looked out the window, seeing Morgan's face on the other side as his hand reached for the handle. Once the door was open, I climbed out and locked the car. Derek hugged me, which I returned, squeezing him slightly, he smelt good. We let go of the embrace, stepping back from each other, he looked me up and down.
"Looking good, mama." He says with a wink.
"Ha, you too." I winked back, "I thought you only had eyes for Garcia."
We stood there laughing for a bit, until I saw Spencer come around the corner, his face buried in a book, he was only ever looking away from it to see if there was an obstacle in his path.
"Ah, pretty boy." Morgan said, turning to look at him. Spencer's face still glued to the book, he didn't look up until he was inside. Derek decided it would be a good idea to sneak up on him and we entered the cafe behind him and stood there watching. He looked around to try and find Derek and I, to no avail. He pulled out his phone and started dialing. Derek and I giggled to ourselves, but Spencer wasn't paying attention as he was listening to the ringing on his phone. As Derek's phone rang, he didn't even reach for it, instead watching Spencer as he spun around to see us right behind him, all of us giggling.
We greeted each other, and Spencer walked toward me, his arms going outward as if coming in for a hug. I gave him a puzzled look, and accepted his embrace. The familiar smell of his cologne filling my nose, I took in a deep breath before releasing him.
Morgan bro-hugged him and we all laughed at how silly everything had just been.
"Let's grab lunch!" I exclaimed, I was starving.
We sat around a table, our chairs evenly spaced apart. The guys picked up menus, but I already knew what I wanted. After deciding, Derek and Spencer got up to order, insisting on covering my lunch. They came back and Derek decided small talk would be a good idea.
"So, Y/N," he smirked, "Is there anyone special in your life?" his eyebrows wiggling.
"Yes and No." I started, staring him in the eyes, not sure how to proceed, "I met this guy recently, I think he's great. I'm not sure if he's interested in me though. I'm also not sure if I should ask him how he feels. I mean, we only met not that long ago, so it might be too soon, you see..." I trailed off, rubbing my thumbs together, avoiding even a glance in Spencer's direction, so as though to not give anything away.
"Non sense!" Derek remarked, "If you feel a certain way about someone, you gotta tell them, babygirl. So, who is he?"
"Oh, it doesn't matter, you don't know him." I replied, trying to brush him off, but he wouldn't have it, and insisted I give him the identity of the 'mysterious guy' that I was keeping secret from him.
I remembered back to the car ride with Emily, all the little things she told me about Spencer.
"Walter..." I trailed off, smirking at myself a little, "He's cute and tall and quite smart." I could go on about all the little things I found adorable and attractive about Spence, but if I made the list too specific, Derek would piece it together too easily.
Spencer's ears perked at the name, and he looked at me with a puzzled looked, and I couldn't help the small smile that came across my face. Derek was still trying to figure out who 'Walter' was.
Derek noticed us looking at each other, looked between us, his eyes narrowing as he examined my face. His concentration broken by our food being put on the table in front of us. We all thanked the waitress and started eating. I had a chicken salad wrap, Spencer had a cheese ham and tomato toastie, while Derek had a burger. We all ate, barely saying a word, enjoying our meals.
I was the first to finish, Spencer was done soon after. We started talking about work things. We started picking on Derek who was having trouble defending himself as he tried to finish his food quickly.
"At least I don't hide behind books to avoid my feelings." Derek spat back at Spence, who just shrugged his shoulders. "And how about you, miss Perfect? Sucking up to Hotch and showing off in front of everyone on your first day, making us all look bad! You can't fool anyone with your goody-two-shoes act!" he finished by taking a sip of his drink.
I clasped a hand to my chest in fake offence, "Oh no! ME make the fantastic Mr. Morgan look bad?! how could I? His beautiful physique and wonderful words which help him pull all the ladies, tarnished! what ever will he do?" I stopped when I noticed Spencer silently giggling to himself at the sight before him. I couldn't let him get out of this. "Oh no no, Doctor. You're not getting out of this that easily. Your big brilliant brain is beautiful, but you need to work on understanding innuendos. The amount of things that have been said to and around you, that go straight over your head, we need to get you cultured."
He was confused. He didn't understand why he needed to understand jokes, why it mattered so much, and really, it doesn't. He's perfect in my eyes.
We sat there talking for a bit more until Derek decided it was time to go. We got up, left a tip on the table and headed out. We walked to y car and leaned on it, Spencer choosing to stand.
"What now?" I asked.
"The beach." Derek answered, "Don't worry pretty by, we'll find somewhere with shade so you can sit and read." Spencer's expression calmed at the sound of not being forced to swim.
We decided to go in one car. My car was elected because it was closest. I climbed in to the drivers seat, Derek in the passenger and Spence, in the back.
On the car ride, I changed through radio stations, trying to find music. Derek was confused by it, but Spencer knew what was happening. With the back coming along the corner, we all kept our eyes peeled for a parking spot.
I saw a spot, near a decent sized tree, which had a bench in the shade underneath it. Perfect. I pulled into the spot and we all climbed out. Derek and I, grabbing our beach bags and Spencer with his satchel that he has with him literally everywhere he goes.
The three of us walked single-file, me leading, to the bench. Spencer quite happily sat and pulled out his book while Derek and I set down our bags. I took a moment to take in the scene. Closing my eyes, I listened to the water, the crashing of the waves, so welcoming and calming. The smell of the ocean was so refreshing, the scent filling my lungs with every breath.
Opening my eyes, I saw Morgan had started removing layers until he was just in his swim trunks. I followed his lead, undressing down to my bikini. My skin looked so pasty compared to his caramel skin.
I grabbed the sunscreen from my bag, and started on my arms, chest, legs but of course, I can't each my call back properly. I looked over at Derek, with almost output dog eyes and he held out his hand. I have him the tube and turned around.
"You know, Walter should be going this guy you.." his suggestive tone caused heat to rush to my face as my eyes lifted to look at Spencer, who's eyes were glued to the pages of his book.
As he finished, he threw the tube down to my bag and ye inlled,
"Last one in is a rotten egg!"
Without hesitation we both ran for the water, laughing the whole way. With sand flicking up behind us as we ran, we reached the water in no time. We leapt over the small wave as we reached the water, the splash from the land was cool and refreshing. After a few more leaps, I dove in under a wave, losing sight of Derek.
The Cool water consumed my body. The waves in my hair, the current caressing and flowing over me. As I resurfaced, I couldn't see Derek. I assumed he went under too, and started looking in to the water, trading to see his figure.
With my head still looking to the water, a splash came from my side, Derek sat there unleashing a wave of splashes as I tried to deflect and return. Laughter erupting from both of us as we unleashed a wrath of splashes on each other. He finally stopped with a breathy laugh and so did I. He started to swim toward me and I couldn't help but splash him one last time, playback for what he'd started.
"Alright," he laughed, "You win." He made it over next to me. As our breathing solved, we both looked at Spencer, who's attention seemed to never leave his book.
"How can we get pretty boy in the water?" He suggested. We decided a plan and set it in to play, and I was the bait. I watched Derek swim far enough away and began acting. It needed to be convincing or Spence Rodney buy it.
I started waving my hand in the air and started yelling out for help. Using his name a couple of times in the process helped a lot. His head finally snapped up to see me, my head bobbing under the water a few times, and to see Derek no where near close enough to help. He jumped up, ripped off his shirt and used his feet to remove his shoes.
He ran for the water and jumped in. He made it close enough to me that he was commited to swimming and I started laughing. Derek, who had been watching, had made his way over too and joined in with my giggles. It wasn't long until Spencer had his arms wrapped around me, trying to get my head above water. I looked into his eyes and batted my eyelashes, a small smile coming over my lips.
"Sorry." I said quietly as Derek patted him on the back, telling him of our plan.
"if you guys wanted me to swim so bad, you should have just asked." Spencer said, releasing me and staring me down with betrayal in his eyes.
"C'mon Reid," Morgan started, "you wouldn't have come in if I had simply asked. And besides, didn't it feel good holding a beautiful woman in your arms?" His eyebrows wiggling as Spencer studied me, both of our faces going red at the suggestion.
Derek swam off with a 'catch me if you can' look on his face.
"Sorry for doing that to you." I apologised to Spencer.
"No, he's right. I wouldn't have come in if he had asked. I'm not much for swimming, not in open experts anyway. I much prefer somewhere I can see the bottom. Even though the percentage of shark attacks is pretty low, the chances of getting stuck in a rip are quite high. I don't think I'd put up much of a fight against one..." His voice trailed off as he watched Derek get further away.
"I'll save you if that ever happens." I said, winking at him. He laughed and started after Derek, I followed. The swim turned into more of a race rather than us trying to catch Derek.
We stayed at the beach for a few hours. I could feel my shoulders and nose burning. We had been having so much fun, I had forgotten to reapply sunscreen.
"Maybe we should get going," I suggested, "at least in to the shade?" I noticed Spencer's face was also red and I felt bad because he didn't even apply sunscreen. The three of us retreated to the shade.
I picked up my towel and patted myself dry. I slipped on my dress and we packed up our stuff ready to go. We stopped at the public showers to wash our feet before getting to the car.
"Who's still keen for icecream?" Derek asked as we reached the car. My sunburn wasn't 'burning' as of yet and I was still keen on icecream.
"I'm keen, but we shouldn't be too long. The sooner I get some cream into this bad boy, the better." I replied, pointing to my nose and shoulders, while putting my seat belt on. Derek looked over his shoulder to Spencer who simply said,
"Sure." With a shrug of his shoulders, pulling his book out of his bag.
The icecream shop wasn't too far away, so o didn't burger with the radio. Instead, Derek and I joked around with each other during the drive.

This one is longer to make up for the day's I've been missing. It's been sitting in my drafts for days because I keep getting distracted. I'm so sorry, please enjoy. :)
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Happy early birthday to my twin @panthergoddessbast! Always remember that I love you immensely! 😘
The sexual tension on the ride back to O'Shea's house was so thick it could be cut with a knife. Erik could feel the way her eyes bore into the side of his face, her stare unrelenting. She wanted more, but he still didn't think she deserved it. She was gonna have to work for the dick, no matter how many times her hand brushed against his hardening third leg.
"What are you doing, Ms. Powell?" he asked, his eyes never leaving the road.
"I was a good girl at dinner. I think I deserve a treat."
"You got one in the bathroom, don't be greedy Princess." This made Shea pout, but she was determined to make him break.
"Please Daddy?" she tried again, sliding her perfectly manicured coffin nail up his thigh.
"O'Shea, I said no," he scolded firmly causing her to recoil slightly.
"No?" she inquired, her eyebrow raised in confusion. Being the spoiled Daddy's girl she was, no wasn't a word she was used to hearing. Erik noticed her change in demeanor and decided to exploit the situation.
"Yes, I said no, Bianca. Any other questions?" She huffed loudly, turning her body back to face the windshield.
"First of all, I'm an adult and you will address me as such. You're going to give in eventually. That tent in ya pants will need to be handled somehow."
"I have Skylar for that," he added just to antagonize her further.
"Nice try, but Skylar is a lesbian."
"Skylar is just like you, she doesn't give a fuck who eats her pussy, I'm just the only man she lets do it," he replied with a shit-eating grin. O'Shea remained silent the rest of the ride to her place, not even bothering to give him a look back as she walked up to her door and into the house. He couldn't exactly explain why, but he loved getting her riled up the way he had. He loved seeing the fire in her eyes when she was angry at him. It made his dick even harder and the dormant beast within him began to come to life.
Let me have a taste, the beast growled.
"Soon, big fella. Soon," he told himself. Little did O'Shea know he had his own Bennie, and Killmonger was an expert brat tamer.
"Why in the fuck would you tell her that? She should've punched your ass," Skylar fussed from her seat behind Erik's desk. She was on the computer, her long nails tittering away on the keyboard as she worked on an informative pamphlet for her own clients.
"The three major components of the cognitive-behavioral approach are: (a) replacement of sexual anxiety with sexual comfort; (b) adopting positive sexual attitudes and learning sexual skills; and (c) a program of individually designed sexual exercises to be done between therapy sessions. The goal of this therapy is to develop a comfortable, functional, and satisfying sexual style... How does that sound," she asked aloud.
"Like you copied and pasted it from a generic article but it serves its purpose and describes what we do. I might just change the name of the practice to mine and steal your pamphlets."
"I don't think so," Skylar mumbled printing multiple pamphlets before ejecting her drive.
"You couldn't do that in your office?" Erik teased watching her lips purse in indignation.
"I could've but I was already here," she replied, taking a sip from her caramel macchiato. "So how are things going with you and Shea?"
"Oh the usual, however, I think we're making progress with her attitude. She's starting to learn that acting out and misbehaving gets her nothing but blue balls."
"I don't think women can get blue balls, but go off I guess."
"Shut up you know what I meant, nigga," he replied, blowing the wrapper of his straw in her direction. The pair shared a laugh before Erik grabbed his leather notebook from the desk drawer.
"I need help coming up with the next method I want to try with her. She's the ideal candidate for experimental therapies. We can really take this thing as far as it goes with her. Hypnotherapy was successful, I've taken thorough notes on that session after watching the footage a few times. And the toy. The toy did exactly what it was designed to do. However, it's not just toys and hypnotism. I've found that engaging her in non-sexual ways are just as effective to bring out her little personalities.
"Oh, so you met them already." Sky leaned forward interested in where the conversation was headed.
"I've tapped into her Little behavior and experimented with some of her kinks. Buttercup is the Little and she appears whenever she feels that I'm upset with her. There are layers to that psychologically that I'd like to examine."
"Hmm," Skylar nodded intrigued.
"Bianca is the brat you and I are used to."
"Too used to it." Skylar's eyes roll.
"She's obviously triggered by the word 'No' and tends to act out when she doesn't get her way. She's also fairly easy to contain... Bennie-"
"You don't need to tell me about Bennie, I work in a sex shop. Bennie comes to work every day."
"I'm kinda stuck now... I have all of this leeway yet I can't decide which method to use next. When I look at her I see endless possibilities. Since you know her, what do you suggest?"
"How about you do some type of exercise in which you bring all of her little personalities to the surface? Get her high."
"Seriously? That's it?"
"Yeah. You'd be amazed at what you'll learn from her when she's under the influence." Erik rubbed his chin as he pondered the thought.
"But you know how I get when I'm high, Sky," he said, sending a sly grin her way.
"Boy get your slick ass away from me. Save the bedroom eyes for O'Shea, thanks."
"On some serious shit though, how do I go about asking her to the crib? That violates all types of rules and crosses all types of barriers."
"Well technically it doesn't because it's possible to file it under intensive in-home services," she chuckled.
"Okay, seriously working with the client in their home is not out of the ordinary. Don't make this weird."
"Aight, so you think we should do this at her crib since I've already been there before?"
"Yes. Her home is easier to justify on paper since it's familiar territory and she'll be more relaxed in her own space versus yours."
"Yo smart ass! That's why I keep you around," he said kissing her forehead repeatedly.
"I thought it was because I rolled the best weed but both compliments will do."
"You know I love you girl. That reminds me, you still got that dispensary connect in LA?"
"Maybe, why? You tryna get some specialty shit?"
"Yes, ma'am. Something that will ease her mind and body and allow her to open up to me."
"I know just the thing. It's called Green Goddess."
"Ooh, sounds exotic. I need two ounces."
"You know my account info. Get it for me and bring it by. Oooh, bring some In & Out too. And Cold Stones."
"Nigga is O'Shea the female in this situation or you?"
"Hush woman and do what I say," he said with a sharp smack to her ass.
"Yes Daddy," she teased in a soft, Princess-like voice.
"Aye chill out, it's been a minute." Skylar's soft giggle rang throughout the hallway as she walked towards the entrance. He thought for a minute before typing a quick text to O'Shea.
Busy tonight?
Nah why?
Netflix and chill at your crib? I'll bring the bud and food.
You had me at bud. See you at 7.
"Spoiled ass," he chuckled as he put his phone away.
The rest of the work day went by smoothly and soon it was time to head to his patient's house. As usual, Skylar came through with the bud he requested and both his and Shea's favorite meals from In & Out and ice cream from Cold Stones.
"At this point, you owe me your life," Sky fussed from her desk. "Traffic was hell. There was an accident, a four-car pileup." She was working late due to Erik and his needy ways so she opted to facetime him as he made his way to O'Shea's house to make her frustrations known.
"I knew it would be something that's why I knew I wouldn't have the time or patience. But you know I always got you, ma. If all else fails, I'm marrying you."
"Choke on rocks," she pouted. "Always using me for the shit you don't wanna do. I'm getting a new best friend, one that respects how great I am and loves me for me."
"If it's a dude, I'ma kill him. Killmonger don't share."
"I ain't Killmonger's bitch," she countered. "And murder is very much so illegal. This ain't the Navy." He smiled, revealing his bottom row of gold. He cleared his throat before dropping his voice several octaves.
"You sure about that, ma?"
"Oh no, put the demon away."
"Nah, you said you were replacing us. You sure you wanna do that?"
"Unlike O'Shea, I can do what I want, but no sweetheart, I'd never replace you."
"Pinky promise and swear on Crip."
"On Crip, I'd never replace you and you know we don't lie on the hood."
"Aight we good. I'll call you later to let you know how things go." The pair shared their goodbyes and Erik exited his vehicle.
"You're early," O'Shea noted as she stepped back to let him in. The clock on the microwave read 5:30.
"Work was light and I figured I'd just go ahead and come over. Problem?"
"No. Is that Cold Stones?" She asked wide-eyed.
"Yes it is and no you can't have it."
"B-But why?" she pouted.
"Later, Bianca."
"How many times must I remind you that I am an adult?"
"Barely," he regarded with a smirk as he made his way to her kitchen. She followed him the whole way, pouting all the while as he pulled everything out of the bags.
"Fix ya face or you won't get any at all."
"That's not fair!" she pouted harder, folding her arms over her chest.
"Life isn't fair, Lil' Mama."
"This is some bullshit," she fussed as she walked to the couch.
"Bet. I'll keep this sweet cream and oreo shit to myself," he teased, noticing how her mouth dropped in shock. Erik's grin only widened as he walked over to the couch with their food and drinks.
"So what we watching, Bianca Boo?" he asked, reaching for the remote.
"First of all, my name is O'Shea."
"You're acting like a brat so your name is Bianca, now answer my question."
"Can we watch Hercules?"
"Fuckin' child," he mumbled as he pressed play on the movie. The couple ate, sang, and smoked as they breezed through their little Disney movie marathon. From Hercules to Mulan to The Emperor's New Groove they relived their childhoods while the Green Goddess indica worked its magic to mellow them both out and allow them to talk and bond on a more personal level. Several hours into the Disney and chill session, O'Shea figured she'd try her luck again. She noted how much more mellow Erik was when he was under the influence, using this opportunity to fully appreciate how good he looked dressed down. The charcoal gray turtleneck clung to his muscles effortlessly, barely covering the Patek Phillipe watch on his left wrist. His black slacks fit him well, as though they were tailor-made just for him. Her eyes remained glued to the bulge in his pants as he sat with his legs spread wide on the couch. O'Shea fought hard to keep herself from staring, but of course, Erik noticed. He had been watching her watch him for the last 20 minutes and the beast within him noticed too.
"You gone suck or just stare at it?" Killmonger growled, startling O'Shea from her shameless eyefucking. The deep timbre of his voice had her quaking and before he could change his mind, she dropped down to her knees in front of him, seizing her moment to strike him down to a base level of weakness. Surely he could not withstand her oral talent no matter what contenders he'd faced before. Skylar was a master of oral sex when it came to women, but O'Shea was the oracle when it came to men. She looked up at him innocently as she took him into her mouth, lightly teasing his tip with gentle licks before finally taking as much of him as she could down her throat. Though she was cursed with a gag reflex, she was still a master at her craft and the way he was moaning above her proved that she hadn't lost her touch. His stout, thick fingers found their way into her curly mane, lightly gripping her tresses to help guide her head up and down his shaft.
"Just like that, Shea. Grip that shit, stroke what you can't fit in that wet ass mouth," he encouraged. O'Shea moaned around his shaft, using his praises as encouragement to show out on the dick. She wasn't sure when she'd get him this loose again and wanted to make sure this experience was memorable. Just as she was finding her groove, he made the most awful sound above her.
"Ah, shit! What the fuck?!"
"Wait, stop moving!"
"That shit hurt, what the fuck did you just do to me?" In all of the 5 years that O'Shea had had her braces, never once had they gotten caught on anyone. Leave it to Erik Stevens to be the unlucky contender.
"I-I'm sorry, that's never happened before," she said fighting back her laughter. He was being more dramatic than the situation really called for.
"Oh, that shit's funny to you? I'm fucking bleeding."
"You're not, but ok," she said standing from her position on the floor.
"Man move," he fussed, rushing to the bathroom to assess the damages.
20 minutes. 20 whole minutes was how long he left her to her own psyche while he calmed down. He knew she didn't mean to do it, but the fact that she laughed is what really pissed him off. Once he composed himself, he walked out to see her back on the couch with her head down towards the floor. He didn't speak to her, only went to the kitchen to throw away the trash and grab his keys.
"So are you going to leave and not speak to me? I told you it was an accident."
"I know, Buttercup and I'm not upset. I just think it's a good idea to end this session where it is. I'll have Harper contact you about your next appointment. Have a good night." With that and a kiss to the back of her hand, he walked outside and back to his car, leaving O'Shea a confused, sad mess. She didn't do well with people being mad at her, especially at this point in her life when her little personalities were fully functioning entities. The buzz of her phone brought her out of her psyche.
"Daddy's sorry for the way he left you, Buttercup. I meant what I said about not being angry at what happened, but what really pissed me off is the fact that you thought it was funny."
"But you laugh at my pain all the time," she replied meekly, curling up into a ball on the couch.
"I don't laugh at your pain, I laugh at the fact that you think you run shit. How about this, let's meet somewhere and talk about it."
"Cold Stones."
"But I have ice cream in the freezer."
"Since when have you turned down more?"
"Touché. Give me 10 minutes." She quickly dressed, happy that he wasn't upset and that he still wanted to continue their therapy and build their potential relationship. Though he was indeed her therapist, she felt comfortable with him. More comfortable than she had felt with anyone in a long time and if she were being honest, it scared her. She hated how vulnerable she was around him having been so guarded for most of her life, yet she liked that she could be her true self without fear of judgment and ridicule for her behavior. The benefits of having him as her therapist outweighed her fears. He got her on a level that no one else had before, not even Sky.
Excitedly, she met him in the air-conditioned shop finding him with ice cream in hand. On her approach, he rested his palm atop her head as if to say welcome.
"So now I'm a dog?"
"Nah, you just small. Have a seat, baby girl." She sat down beside him and began eating the cold sugary concoction of sweet cream, chocolately brownie chunks, crumbled graham crackers and walnuts all drizzled with thick caramel. She bounced happily in her seat as the divine mixture set her tastebuds ablaze. This was one of her all-time favorite combinations and she was glad he'd remembered it to the smallest detail. He smiled as he watched her smiling and bouncing in her element, happy that she was happy. She was eating so fast that she dripped ice cream onto her chin and brand new royal purple Disney spirit jersey. She pouted, but he merely grabbed a napkin and cleaned her mess.
"Why the long face, Buttercup? I thought a messy little girl was a happy little girl."
"Sky just bought this for me, though. I didn't want to get it dirty. There's even a stain on Mickey." She turned her body slightly to show him the smudged caramel on the sparkly D emblem.
"Well that won't do, will it? You're welcome to take it off. You wouldn't want to spill again."
"But I'm not wearing another shirt," she pouted further.
"Less material to worry about. You should enjoy your ice cream freely. Do remove the shirt, Buttercup.. for your own good." She nodded, slowly lifting the sweatshirt over her head and laying it on the table. He grabbed and folded it neatly before placing it on the booth beside him. Now free from the constraints of the jersey, she tore into her ice cream like a woman starved.
"Doesn't that feel better? Your sweater is now safe from any harm and Daddy will worry about having it cleaned. That's not something a little girl should concern herself with."
"Yes Daddy, thank you," she said with a wide grin. It had been so long since she had been allowed to freely be in her little space, especially to this degree and it was nice to put the stresses and worries of adulting to the side, even if it were just for a little while.
"Um... I'm sorry sir, but um.. shirts are required in this establishment... Sorry..," the gangly scooper spoke nervously, obviously intimidated by his stature though he was not in his imposing state. The anxiety in the guy's eyes rubbed him the wrong way. Another negative profile. If that was the case while he wore a sweater and a name brand watch, he thought, the man deserved to feel fearful.
"Several pale skinned patrons are wearing sports bras and cropped bandeau tops, similar to my date's. Are you going to say the same to them?" Erik asked with a raised eyebrow watching the guy stammer in distress.
"I- It's just- Nevermind," the scooper stumbled, making his way back behind the counter. He started to pick up a phone, but when Erik made eye contact and mouthed a message, he put the phone back down.
"What did you say just now," O'Shea inquired, looking from the counter back to Erik's peaceful expression. The behavior of the scooper didn't match his face.
"Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about, Buttercup. Take your time. Finish your ice cream and we'll be on our way." O'Shea shrugged but continued to bounce happily as she ate her ice cream, even going as far as to ask Erik for another bowl for later. Because of the way he behaved earlier, he obliged.
"Whadya know, Buttercup! We got this one free."
"Yay!" she squealed, happily thanking the fearful scooper who nodded without eye contact.
"I-It was no trouble, really," he stuttered, eyes never leaving Erik's menacing scowl. As the couple turned to leave, Erik bucked at the young scooper, laughing loudly at the way he flinched, dropping a tower of ice cream all over himself.
"Damn, nigga. You need to lift weights or something," he smirked opening the glass door for O'Shea.
"Where do you wanna go now, Buttercup?" he asked as he brushed a rogue curl behind her ear.
"I wish it wasn't so late. I really wanna go to Disneyland." Erik checked his watch and noted that the park would indeed be closing soon.
"We can't get into the park, but Downtown Disney is still open."
"Ooh can we go to Salt & Straw?" she asked, bouncing on her toes.
"Buttercup you just had ice cream and got a free one to go. Not to mention you still have ice cream in the freezer from earlier."
"Yeah, but none of those were honey lavender with whipped cream and a waffle cone," she pouted.
'You're right, but considering the fact that I'm a doctor who also cares about your physical health, the answer is still no. You are sweet enough." She was upset but didn't protest further for fear that he'd just decide to take her back to her house. No matter how upset she was, Disney fixed everything. As the pair roamed the district, O'Shea's eyes grew wide watching Erik walk into to the Pandora shop. She'd been wanting new charms for her princess-themed bracelet forever, but never had the time or the extra funds to splurge on herself the way she wanted.
"How about I make my Buttercup something special?" he beamed down at her, rubbing circles into the small of her back.
"Oooh, what is it?" she asked happily.
"It's a surprise, but why don't you go get us two of those honey lavender cones and it'll be done by the time you get back."
"Ok!" she squealed happily, taking his card and running out of the store before he changed his mind again. It took her all of 10 minutes to go and come back with her half-eaten cone and his full one. Her grin was wide as she regarded Erik standing in front of the counter with both hands behind his back. His shit-eating grin was back like he knew he was that nigga. And at this moment, he was.
"Whatcha got back there, Daddy?"
"Just a little something for my second favorite princess," he replied stepping closer to her. "Close your eyes and hold out your left wrist." She quickly complied and her beaming grin grew even wider as she felt the cold metal against her skin.
"Alright, open." He watched smugly as her eyes opened and widened. Her heart was so full she thought it would burst. She hadn't even realized that he had slipped her princess bracelet off her wrist until she saw it in its complete form.
"You finished my bracelet?"
"Yes ma'am, chronologically just the way you had it and I started your villain one." Her fingers toyed delicately with the Tinkerbell and poisoned apple charms on the princess bracelet before moving to Maleficent and the Evil Queen charms on the villain bracelet. Then her eyes met his. She wanted to cry.
"Thank you so much, Daddy."
"Anything for my Buttercup. I even left off Anna and Elsa because I know those are the ones you like the least." Again, he'd remembered something seemingly frivolous solely because he knew it was important to her. She felt her little heart swell two sizes.
"You're the best, really." She rewarded him with a sweet kiss on the lips, which he deepened when he grabbed her chin and added a little tongue. Just enough to leave her wanting.
"Come on, pretty girl. Let's get you home, we both have work in the morning."
TAG LIST: @vikkidc @thadelightfulone @sydneebleu @trevantesbrat @madamslayyy @chaneajoyyy @jozigrrl @thehomierobbstark @amethyst1993 @iamrheaspeaks @mareethequeen @forbeautyandlife @whatmoredoyouwantamericaa @blowmymbackout @wakanda-inspired @yaachtynoboat711 @nickidub718 @heyauntieeee @princessstevens @bartierbakarimobisson @xaviera108 @alexundefined @raysunshine78 @dameshaemonique @laketaj24 @youreadthatright @theogbadbitch @bugngiz @amirra88 @post-woke @im5ftbutmythroat66 @blackpinup22 @beaut1fulone-blog @chefjessypooh @queengidiva619 @love-me22 @pending-lostheart @blessyd-bthyname @unholyxcumbucket
#vanity writes#my shit#erik stevens#killmonger smut#daddy erik#killmonger fic#erik killmonger#bde#erik killmonger x black oc
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The one who fell part 4
Alice woke up startled, the sound of a clock ringing in the distance spooked her awake. She, thankfully, didn't have any nightmares this time but still, she wasn't excited to be up. She sat up to stretch and rub the sleep out of her eyes. As she got out of bed, she noticed a piece of paper on the little desk next to her bed. She picked it up to read the note left on it.
Dear Alice
Good morning, hope you slept well, I won't be here this morning but Vaggie will be here and I've informed her of you and Als predicament so she'll look after you for me till I get back. Don't worry, Al maybe scary but he isn't that bad once you get to know him. I also left you some clothes in your closet, hopefully they fit
Sincerely Charlie <3
Alice smiled by the end of reading the note, Charlie was so nice. It did make her question how she's in hell if she's so nice but she'll probably ask her later. She got up and looked in the closet at her new clothes. She chose a nice red dress with some flowers embroided on in. She tied her hair up and put on some black sandals. She left her room and went downstairs, her stomach growled as she got to the lounge, she was ready for any kind of food they would serve. Her stomach then twisted in her gut as she saw Alastor at the bar area, talking to the cat person on the otherside. Alastor spotted her and waved to her while smiling a closed eyed smile. She didn't give the same gesture, she instead moved over to the couches where Angel dust sat and sat on one of the other ones near him.
She sat there for a moment, keeping a careful eye on Alastor, her appetite leaving her completely but she was still hungry. Angel noticed her existence and placed his phone down. Angel dust: "Yo". Hearing Angels voice made Alice turn her attention to him. Alice: "Oh morning Angel, how are you?". Angel shrugged as he lay his hand on his clenched fist. Angel dust: "Okay I guess, just bored, what about you? Ya look tense". Alice looked at Angel wide eyed, surprised he would notice her behavior. Alice: "Well, I'm just nervous, haven't stayed in a hotel before, hehehehehe". Angel looked at Alice, perking his eyebrow. Angel dust: "Really? Hmm". They both sat in silence as they both stared off in space.
Angel then popped out of his thoughts and smiled cheekily. Angel dust: "Hey, wanna do something fun?". Alice glanced at Angel confused, what kind of fun? Alice: "I don't know, I thought I'd stay here till Charlie got back". Angel huffed in dispointment until he noticed Alices uncomfortable and nervous staring at Alastor. Angel dust: "Hmm, are you sure you really want to stay here?". Alice thought for a bit longer, she peered at Alastor deep in his chatting till he peeked back at Alice, that look he had sent a chill shiver down her spine. She quickly shot up, scaring Angel. Alice: "Okay, let's go".
Angel dust whispered a yes as he followed Alice out the door while Alastor watched the two leave. As they walked down the fiery streets of hell, Alice got nervous as she didn't know what to do. Alice: "So, what are we doing now?". Angel hummed in thought as they continued to walk. Angel dust: "*gasp* I've always wanted to prank these idiots I knew for stealing my money after I gave them my service and I know exactly where they would be". Angel grabbed Alice, dragging her along, faster then when they were walking. After maybe 10 minutes of speed walking, they finally stopped in front of a bar. Alice was more or less out of breath when they got there.
Angel dust stood at the gate, thinking carefully what to do next. Alice was about to speak protest on the idea of causing a prank but couldn't since Angel rushed away. Angel dust: "Wish I brang my gear, be a lot more fun if I did, no matter though". He climbed up boxes and crates stacked beside the building, climbing to a small window. He looks through the window, looking at everything inside. A small grin grows on his face after something caught his eye. Angel dust: "Jackpot". Alice was totally confused over the entire situation, she wasn't sure what he was up to or what he'll do to get them back. Alice: "What do you see in there?". Angel dust: "Something that'll make this night extra fun, get up here".
Angel gestured to Alice to climb the boxes, she hesitates but is curious on what he was seeing. When she made it to the top, Angel moves aside to let her see. She looks in an sees a small bar filled with demons. They all were enjoying their time, drinking, chatting and more. Angel dust: "There, you see those two in the corner, they're the ones that scabbed me". Over to the bottom left of the corner was a large burly man and a short skinny one, both mean looking too. The sight of them gave Alice goosebumps. Those were people she didn't want to mess with. Angel dust: "And look what they're packin". Resting on the tables were weapons and explosives, it was shocking to see. In the normal world, someone would immediately be arrested and the weapons confiscated if they were seen at all. But this was hell, this place worked differently which Alice quickly learned.
Angel dust: "If we can get those weapons, we can blow them all to hell or out of hell really, hahahaha". Alice: "You said we'd be pranking them, not killing them". Angel smirked at Alice. Angel dust: "I know, the prank being that they'd be dead". Alice frowned at his words, its no wonder Charlies having so much trouble on him. Alice: "Angel!". Alice spoke strongly to Angel which gave him a shock. Seeing the upset face she pulled made Angel back up. Angel dust: "Jesus girl, you're taking Charlies rules seriously aren't you?... *sigh* fine, we'll steal their weapons and I can sell them, I know what brand they are and trust me, they are good ones, they must of cost a fortune, I don't even have those. Bet they'll be going mad if they went missing".
Alice thought for a moment, stealing those weapons wouldn't be so bad. She nods her head in agreement to Angels plan which he smiles widely, happy to know this was gonna happen. Angel dust: "Alright, here's the plan". Meanwhile, back at the hotel, Vaggie struts down the stairs, face buried in some papers she had. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she sees that Angel dust is gone, so is Alastor. She sighs in anoyance, hoping those two weren't causing problems. She finds Niffty, dusting out some shelves. Vaggie: "Niffty, where did Alastor and Angel go?". She was annoyed that she had to keep tabs on both of them but for this hotel to be a success, the most troublesome of them had to be kept under surveillance.
Niffty stopped her cleaning to glance up at Vaggie. Niffty: "Oh well, Angel dust took the new guest Alice out for what he described as "fun" and Alastor left right after them, don't know why though". Vaggies eyes shot open, her fears and anger boiled up inside of her. With an angry expression, she swore she'd make them pay. She placed her papers on the table and left the hotel. Hoping the chaos hasn't started just yet.
#hazbin hotel#Charlie#Alastor#Alice OC#Husk#Niffty#Vaggie#Angel dust#fanfic#oof#wonder what Angels planning#what's Alastor up too?#Will Vaggie stop whatever plans Angel and Alastor have conjured up?#Will Alice be able to come out of this alive?#find out next time on#The one who fell
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Most likely to become an AO3 if it is as liked as I hope it to be.
Bad Lemons (Rated M) - Drugs, violence, language, etc.
It will have very touchy subjects that relate to very serious problems such as addiction and mental health -- if you can't handle it please don't read! (It'll come up in future chapters if I continue)
Description: Living it rough can really change a person, for better or worse. She became strong, bold and unbothered. Nothing could shake her back into a world full of untrue realities.
Fallin' Out
Chp 1 - Walk
"Where is Mina?" She hated waiting, she hated the train station even more. It's loud and obnoxious, which regularly interrupts her sleeping schedule. She would usually settle for a nice bench in the park or even the sidewalks that lead through a deserted alleyway; sadly both were taken by others who had her current living situation or rats. She'd rather her chances living amongst the rodents, maybe even be blessed with their sickness for the rest of her sad life than go back to a broke home. Of course she had other ways or options to get out of this predicament, she's full filled them, yet she never got the pay she deserved. Her welfare officer had an utmost disdain for her existence. He had and would go to lengths to make her life harder, and therefore couldn't be trusted. Then again her worse enemy yet had to be the people who she lived with: a drunk for a step father and a whore of a step mother, not to mention her elder step brother who doesn't pay a lick of rent allong with his crack sniffing wife. The female laid her head back abit and let out a single, "Fuck." How could she get adopted into their family, where the hell was child protective services when you needed them?!
She rubbef her bruised up limbs and does her best not flinch, and doesn't even bother to spare a glance at her wounds. She doesn't have enough bandages for that mess. Placed her pink fingertips on her cheek which was a mix of green and purple. She paid it no mind though. Not that she ever cared too much, but she why stress the luxury of caring about your appearance? Initially, even as a child, she always presumed that what truly mattered more than anything else about a person is personality. Hypocritically, however, she couldn't care less about either. Right now all that seemed to be on her mind was getting through her problems, with or without help.
You could say this makes Uraraka Ochako a rebellious teen. But yet that's not the case. She'll go wherever as she pleases, but she evades at all costs in the name of self-preservation. Put yourself in her shoes. How can someone last a day with her mentally unstable home? Truthfully when she was adopted into it, everything was dandy, until they went into a debt things just seemed to get out of hand. So she left and decided to break free, they never look for her, so who cared?
Ochako glanced up the clock. Though her chance to escape this time would depend on Mina's miraculous connections and genius planning, her fate rested in her best friends hands.
With a sharp inhale she slaps a bandaid on quickly and smooths it out tightly on the bridge of her nose. Placing her hand on the edge of the sink she looks up at her reflection. Curvaceous, petite, ghostly pale skin with contrasting pink cheeks with cuts and bruises scattered all over. She rolled her eyes and became resolute. Opening the door, then spamming it closed, she made her way out the bathroom she walks towards the bench, but is immediately halted when she sees a guy sitting in it. Her eyes narrow. A tall guy at that. Broad-backed with weird sand-blonde hair, why is it so...spiky? She stuffs her hands into her pockets and sits opposite the bench on the far side of the station waiting for him to leave. She wants to dictate it as a personal problem, but if he's depressed...well then she supposes he won't he moving a muscle any time soon meaning won't be getting her bed back for a long time.
20 minutes had passed and it was already 8:30am and he finally left his seat when a certain green haired boy hoisted Sparky off his heavy ass. They were total opposites and Ochako choked on her spit when the blond suddenly bitch smacked the other boy while both boarded the train.
"Ochako, it's me~!" Mina shouted, waving her small pink hands side to side.
"A private school...U.A? Mina, I know you see me as some Fallen Angel who could possibly be saved but they would never let me step foot on their grounds." Ochako placed her hand on her chest and gave a sly smile, "Look at me, all bruised up because some punk wouldn't lend me a light and look at him now." She pointed at the park bench across from them, "Knocked his ass out straight and now I'm stuck with his lighter that doesn't even work."
"I'm just trying to help you and give you a better life, Ochako. As your only friend take my offer. You know there's nothing for you here and you also know you have allot of pent up pride- let it go, and just come with me to U.A."
Ochako tilted her head to the side, her expression softened by the smile of Mina, her best friend.
"Ochako." She states. The receptionist looks up at her through her glasses with a look that says a first name like that wouldn't even slightly cut it at such a high-class school. The woman does some typing, and looks at the computer with no change of expression. This school held some of the finest and wealthiest, Ochako was out of her eliminate.
"Come with me."
Ochako followed behind the lady, her eyes looking out the school widows once in awhile to spot preppy teens. Even amongst the worst schools she's attended the students stuck out and looked different, they dressed and did as they pleased. Though her past schools were practically full of fights and no learning, gosh how she missed those days where her small gang ran amuck, when she felt empowered and dominating. She let of a tsk, it still felt that way, but those people she once addressed as family were quick to turn their backs. Clearly everything here is different from what she is used to. Designer brand bags, diamond watches and shoes she couldn't touch with her commoner hands. These damned rich kids all looked alike, she couldn't tell any apart, they all owned the same type of fashion and don't get her started on all the goop plastered on the female students faces. "Yuck." She stuck her tongue out at the window before entering another room with the serious, quiet receptionist.
Katsuki growled. "Aren't you supposed to be helping out the teachers or some shit?" She laughs as he intercepts her lips and responds immediately in the most favorable way. He pushes her against kitchen table, and slowly presses onto her receiving a deep moan in the process. She looked up at him with a gaze full of lust and want. "Who cares, someone else is can take care if it for me." She whined, pulling out out a condom with a smirk.
Ochako stared at her I.D with a look of disgust. Mina on the other hand slapped her knee and held her stomach, laughing like her life depended on it. "You look so ugly! EWW!" Mina pointed at the picture, "You flenched and your eyes are barely open!" She cackled. Ochako slammed open the window and held her arm back, "To hell with that." But before she could launch her arm and send that I.D flying Mina grabbed her arm. "Calm down, we got things to do, We gotta get you to your room."
"Well then take me to my room, please."
"But wait we gotta capture this moment!" Mina pulled out her phone and jumped back, getting on her knees and began to tap, flashes going off blinding the poor Brunette who stood before her.
"M-Mina please, my eyes-" Ochako placed her hands out covering the camera which signaled to her friend to stop; which, she did. "I wish you wore something cuter though." Mina pouted as she went through her photos, "You always wear the same thing Ochako."
And she wasn't wrong, her wardrobe was small, she never owned anything more than a phew shirts, jeans and underwear. Why by hundreds of dollars of clothes when she just needed seven pairs to last her throughout the week.
"What's wrong with how I look?"
"Well," Mina coughed, as they began to walk, "For starters...."
Ochako had wore the basics: A red baseball cap, a grey top and loose jeans that bagged from her waist abit to reveal her boyish underwear. Don't even get Mina started on the belly button piercing and tattoo. (which is located on her right arm, a whole sleeve so she constantly wears long sleeves when needed.)
"Alright but Mina remember you wanted to get these body modifications with me? And remember what you did? You chickened out because of your dad." Ochako placed her hand on her school dorms door, "You can't criticize what I wear either because you know I'm poor as shit." She unlocked the door and Mina stood behind her, a constant sorry escaping the pinkettes mouth, she opens the door, and stops in her tracks.
The sweaty bodies laid on the kitchen table, the blonde held a tiny naked waist with one hand whilst tugging at her short blonde hair. Ochako rose an eyebrow at the scene, this timing was horrible because those two were at mid-climax.
"Ah, yes! Katsuki-"
The blondes head falls in between the crook of the males neck. Her feet had become weightless.
"Ochako? Can we go in alrea-" Mina stops as she makes her way to the entrance. Ochako held her arm out from keeping Mina from entering any further. It finally took a few seconds for the two sexually tensed weirdos to notice the presence of two others.
"W-what are you doing here? Mina?!"
"What do you mean, what am I doing here, Toga?!" She shouted and covered her face, seeing a half naked Bakugou made the poor pinkettes hurl.
"Who the hel-" Toga was cut off.
Ochako walked into the room, unphased to see a naked man and woman, she lived in the streets and has seen this and much worse multiple times. Everyone in the situation just seemed to watch. As Ochako picked up their clothes she walked back to the nearest window opening it,
"This is my place, so get out."
Ochako threw their belongings out the window, their clothes slowly fluttering onto the schools dorm field. Toga and Katsuki grimaced, Mina slammed her forehead on the door and as for Ochako... well, she took a seat on the couch and flipped on the TV and began to watch animal planet.
#kacchako#anime#fanfiction#bnha uraraka#bnha#bnha bakugou#katsuki bakugou#uraraka ochako#kacchakofanfic
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Chapter 1: 3 weeks
July 25, 1985
Speech by The Mayor of Hawkins
“Three weeks have passed since that Fourth of July.
The Fourth is to celebrate our independence but after this year it will mean so much more to the people of Hawkins.
It will be a day to remember the people who stood up to unimaginable evil and sacrificed themselves for others.
We will remember Sheriff Jim Hopper as a valuable member of our police force, a caring individual, and most of all a wonderful father to his daughter Jane.
He died while trying to save the lives of others when the explosion at the mall happened.
We will remember the young lives of Billy Hargrove and Heather Holloway who were taken too early by an unimaginable tragedy that befell them at Star Court Mall.
As Mayor of Hawkins I promise I will find the culprits who set the explosives in the basement of the mall and the will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
I also pledge that the mall will be rebuilt bigger and better.
Today we move forward. The shops reopen. Schools will open again in a month. Let's make the rest of summer as memorable as we can for the children returning to school.
Thank you all for coming”
Family Video after the speech
Steve sighed. Standing outside of the video store he couldn't help but want to scream “ the speech was all a bunch of horseshit to save the mayor's ass”.
But he didn't. He just thought about what really happened that night.
Robin and him here captured and drugged by Russian spies and Erica and Dustin we're almost captured themselves.
Not only were Russian spies trying to open a gate to the upside down in the basement of the mall but Billy died a fucking hero. He gave his life to make sure Max and the rest of them survive. Hopper gave his life shutting down the damn gate.
But they also lost living people.
The death of Hopper was the last straw in Joyce’s haystack. First there was Bob who she saw die right in front of her and then there was the last person in the world she could lose, Hopper.
She had packed up Jane, Will and Jonathan and moved to Lenora Hills, California.
It didn't end there though. Nancy also moved with the Byers to California. She was offered a job at one of the leading papers there and she couldn't refuse so Joyce told her she could live with them.
He finally was ready to open the store but his hand was shaking. Half out of sadness and the other half anger.
Sadness at losing friends in such a way. Sadness for Dustin and friends who had to say goodbye to Will. Sadness for Max who was dealing with guilt and anger of her own. He let her know she could talk to him anytime.
Then there was the anger.
Anger at the town for ignoring Billy and not even attending the small service his parents had. Only him and the gang showed up but they showed up for support towards Max.
Anger at Neil Hargrove for taking off and leaving his wife and daughter to fend for themselves. Thankfully a kind benefactor bought their house and turned the deed over to Max.
They will never know that Billy had given Steve the money to buy the house if he died and Neil pulled some stupid shit like he did.
Billy was rough around the edges and his fists hurt like hell but Steve would fight anyone who tried to tell him he didn't love Max.
He finally got the door unlocked and he went inside, locking the doors behind him so he could get ready for the days.
The store wasn't set to open for another half hour so he got the registers ready, the displays set right, and did some basic cleaning.
Robin would be in an hour after opening so he would have some quiet time to set himself right.
When the clock hit 10 am he opened the doors and went to his spot behind the counter.
Between it being summer and the fact everyone probably was back home sleeping after that riveting pile of lies, he doubted anyone would be in until the afternoon.
Taking in a deep breath and reminding himself it was time to let it go he started messing around with the displays on the counter.
That's when he heard the ding.
The sound announced that a customer had just entered the store.
He looked up and he almost fell backward.
There at the front the door was Eddie Munson. Steve couldn't help but be mesmerized by the guy's smile and his very beautiful hair. The curled-filled strands fell beneath his shoulders making him even more tantalizing to look at.
Shaking himself out of his daze, Steve said “welcome to Family Video where everyone is family. Anything I can help you find”?
Giving his award-winning smile Eddie cleared his throat and said “I found what I'm looking for”.
Chapter 2: Eddie
Steve blushed brighter than a tomato making Eddie laugh. His laugh was so childlike and beautiful.
“So big boy, are you free after work tonight? I thought you could come by place and watch a movie of your choosing” Eddie said as he came closer to the counter.
‘He already has a nickname for me,’ Steve thought to himself. He wanted to say yes so badly. He should say yes.
“That sounds fun,” Steve said, putting a hand on top of Eddie’s. He could feel the rings on each of his fingers. His hands were calloused from helping his uncle fix cars.
Eddie didn't move his hand which made Steve even happier and then out of nowhere Eddie leaned over the counter and gave Steve a kiss on his cheek.
“That's to keep you going big boy,” Eddie said with a bright smile and as he walked out Robin walked in and smiled wickedly.
When she got her stuff put away in the back and her name tag on Robin headed back out to the front.
“So straight Steve isn't so straight after all” Robin teased as she got situated.
Steve looked at her confused and asked “whoever said I was?”
“The whole school dingus. Whenever rumors popped up about you and Tommy, Billy and Jonathan the natural answer was ‘straight as a ruler Steve’.
Though I never truly believed that especially watching you around Jonathan but I wasn't going to make assumptions since you were so hooked on Nancy.
But don't worry dingus, your secret is safe with me” Robin said in one breath.
Steve places his head on the table and groans. “I don't know Robin, I've never felt the way I do about Eddie around others, even Nancy.
He is like walking in the sunlight. His smile makes me smile.
His eyes never stop beaming with a childlike wonder that I wish I could have.
He is like a rock. I never knew I needed Rob.
He also likes kids which means he isn't going to mind my dream of having a bunch of kids and going on a family trip, or at least I don't think he will” Steve said into the counter.
Robin rubbed his back and said, “you've got it bad and my guess is that this is the first time you've actually spoken to him”.
Steve nodded and slapped his forehead and said “I don't even know if he feels the same. I mean he kissed my cheek but that doesn't mean anything. He could kiss everyone's cheek.
Maybe he just knew I was down and was offering to be a friend and here I am planning out our entire future together even though I don't even know if he likes me like that.
What's wrong with me”?
“That is a loaded question dingus and would take hours and maybe days to answer but that guy was hot on you.
He never lost eye contact with you even as he was walking out.
Just relax, finish work, and then get the guy of your dreams. I will take on your babysitting duties at the Sinclair home tonight” Robin said with a grin.
“Damn I forgot about that. I should just call Eddie and say I can't make it” Steve said and reached for the phone.
Robin slapped his hand and said, “I have Erica, you take care of Eddie”.
Steve opened his mouth to protest but Robin put her hand over it. It was the end of that conversation.
The rest of the day Robin wouldn't let him near the phone.
She didn't want any chance of him calling and canceling. The only call he was allowed to make was to Sue Sinclair letting her know Robin would be watching Erica since something came up.
Thankfully Sue knew Robin and Erica liked it better anyway when Robin watched her because she was more relaxed with the rules, so it wasn't a big deal.
And then there was Dustin. He decided to pop in and say hi and of course, Robin told him everything about Eddie and him inviting Steve over.
“Oh my God Steve, Eddie is like a God to D&D players. His campaigns are epic and he is the highest-rated dungeon master I know” Dustin said super excited.
“You know Eddie Munson Dustin?” Steve asked his jealousy of how amazing Dustin thought Eddie was showing.
“Yeah. Met him when he came to the middle school to do a campaign there. I can't wait to be part of The Hellfire Club. Also, you dating him would mean I have a pass in” Dustin said still excited.
Steve moaned and when Dustin dashed out to tell the others, went back to cleaning racks and things while Robin laughed at his jealousy.
As 6 pm approached, Steve's stomach began to churn with nervousness.
“I can't do this Robin,” Steve said as they headed to his car. He was going to drop her off at the Sinclairs and then head to Eddies.
“You will be fine. Just be yourself and things will happen as they are supposed to, " Robin said, rubbing his shoulders.
Steve tried to believe her but it was hard since he was about to go and try to make something work with his polar opposite.
When they got to the Sinclairs house Robin told Steve to be brave and headed inside.
He was glad she would be spending the night since she didn't drive.
Looking over he saw the two movies Robin had picked out for them to watch. One was an animated cartoon called Ewoks and the battle for Endor and the other was Tommy.
Steve liked the cuddly Ewoks but he wasn't sure that Eddie would feel the same so they would probably end up watching Tommy since it's his kind of music.
As soon as she was in he started the car and headed to the scariest place he had ever been, Eddie Munson’s house for a movie date.
#stranger things#fanfic#ao3 fanfic#steve harrington#eddie munson#ao3 tags#steddie#stranger things fanfiction#fanfiction#dungeons and dragons
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